It's been four months, and there hasn’t been any word from Brandy. I've given up on texting and calling her because she hasn’t answered any of my phone calls. Even the messages were all left on unread. The only connection that I have with her is the phone calls that I make to her uncle. He doesn't give me any information ever, but at least it's soothing to be able to talk to him. I'm sure that if there was something wrong, he would at least tell me that. At least he promised me he would.
In our many conversations, we've talked about a number of different things. And it's then that I learned about his deceased wife. It seems like he and Brandy have both had a lot of loss in their lives. And it makes me understand her even more, why she handled the shooting the way she did. I still regret the way I handled everything, but if I can get her to talk to me, I think I can make it right.
The move to Whiskey Run was an easy one. I've kept myself busy, making sure that I go on all the missions that I can, wanting to keep my mind off things.
When we got here, the clubhouse was already done. We can thank Walker and his Ghost Team for that because they had it ready to be lived in. Even the outside of the buildings for the bike shop and the bar were already completed. The only thing that we had to finish was the inside work. It's done. And both places opened just a week or so ago.
I've spent most of my time working at the bar, probably because it reminds me of Brandy. I think the guys are sick of hearing me talk about her. If it was anybody else, I would've moved on by now, but I can't with her. She consumes my every waking thought.
One night as I'm sitting at the bar, I'm off my shift and throwing back a few beers. I probably had way more than I should, but I don't care. The Pres comes over and sits next to me. I know he's sick of my sulking ass, and he's the first one to tell me so. He turns in his seat and gives me a disgusted look. "No pussy is worth it, Diesel. You need to go get laid, move on."
I close my eyes, and it's like I can imagine Brandy right here in front of me, her curvy body, the smile that she gives me.
"I don't want just any pussy," I tell him. The truth is, there's been plenty of women that have thrown themselves at me since I've gotten here, but I've turned them all down. I'm not interested in anyone but Brandy.
I'm planning a trip back to Texas. Now that everything is together here, I think I'm going to see if I can take a break and go back and see if I can convince Brandy's uncle to talk to me. If nothing else, I'm going to call in a favor to Walker. I know that the Pres won't be happy about me doing it, but I need some help in finding her.
The Pres is tired of my bullshit, and he tells me so. “She left you, brother. You need to get over it.”
Finally, I’ve had enough. “What? Like you? You say no woman is worth it, but I never see you with any woman since the one left you. Maybe you’re the one that needs to get laid.”
The expression on his face is fierce as he stares back at me. I wait for him to say something, fuck, I’m waiting on him to throw a punch. He surprises me, though. He doesn’t say a word. He gets up and walks away in a huff. To this day, no one really knows what happened to him. All I’ve heard are rumors, but whatever it was, it’s obviously still got him fucked up.
I'm sitting there alone nursing my beer when Ashley, the cherry that moved here from Texas with all of us, tries to sit on my lap. I'm ruder than I probably need to be, but I tell her to get the fuck off me. I don't feel right even having another woman touch me.
She rolls her eyes and flips her hair before stalking away. The truth is, I'm going to get Brandy back one way or another. And there's absolutely nothing I am going to do to fuck that up.