“It is gorgeous, isn’t it? I know how lucky I am to live here.” She came and stood next to him, almost shoulder to shoulder. “This view keeps me sane.”

Reed didn’t have time to wonder at this comment, as Don called to him from the front door.

“I think we’ve got everything we need. Let us know if you remember anything else they might’ve taken, or something that might be relevant.”

“Will do. What are the chances of getting my laptop back?” she asked, following close behind Reed, as they went out the front door.

“Pretty slim,” he admitted. “Even the most brainless of thieves wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and hock it on the island. They’ll most likely have taken it across to the mainland by now. Same goes for the jewelry. Our report will go out to the main police stations in Adelaide, so they can keep an eye out for it. But you know…” He shrugged those big, square shoulders of his.

“Yeah, I know,” she sighed. “It’s lucky I’ve got most of my stuff backed up on the Cloud. I’ll see if anyone has an old laptop hanging around that I can borrow for the short-term. Until insurance pays up and I can get across to the mainland to buy a new one.”

“Oh, I nearly forgot, I picked up your mail on the way in,” Don said and leaned into the squad car to retrieve the bundle of letters from the back seat. “Save you a trip, eh?”

“Thanks.” Sierra took the envelopes and quickly leafed through them, as Don settled himself into the driver’s seat. Reed made his way around the back of the car towards the passenger side, wondering at the quirks of living a country life, where the mailboxes were lined up out on the main road, because it was too far for the postman to come all the way to each isolated house.

Sierra’s small gasp made Reed stop in his tracks and turn on his heel. She was staring down at one of the letters in her hand.

Her face had gone terribly pale.