He could feel her small movements against his wrists, which’d been rubbed raw from his struggles. She spent many minutes behind his back, and he held as still as he was able, hoping against hope she could free him. Free them both.
At first, he thought he was imagining it. But then he knew. The ropes were loosening. He wriggled his wrists and could feel movement now.
“Good girl, you’re doing great, sweetheart. Your mum’s going to be so proud of how brave you’re being.”
“I want my mum,” Jessica said in a small voice, sniffling, her fingers stopping their fluttering behind his back.
“I know you do, Jessica. And if you keep doing such a good job with these ropes, I’m going to take you to her.” At last, he felt her fingers attacking the ropes again. He tested them and felt something give, and all at once, after a few more tugs and twists, his hands came free.
She’d done it!
Slowly, he brought his arms around to the front and shook his hands out, rubbing them together. They were numb, and he’d need a few minutes before they would work properly.
Just then, another gunshot rang out, frightening Jessica, who scuttled to his side, huddling into him, whimpering. Reed’s own heart rate skyrocketed. Oh God, please let Sierra be all right. But he couldn’t let his fear show. One thing the shot told him was that Evan was moving farther away from the cottage, which was a good thing.
He draped a protective arm around her. “Shh, sweetie, it’s okay. I won’t let him hurt you again.” Damn right he wouldn’t. He leaned forward and began attacking the knots that bound his legs, careful not to bump Jessica, who still clung to him like a rag doll.
At last, his legs were free as well. He jiggled them up and down to get the blood flowing, while at the same time he reached around and drew Jessica closer under his arm.
Evan had removed his gun belt, and taken it with him when he and Sierra went to move his car. So, he had no gun, taser, or baton. He’d also taken his phone and smashed it to smithereens on the front step. So, Reed was weaponless and unable to contact anyone for backup. But his main priority was to get Jessica to safety. Even though his heart was urging him to go after Sierra, to track down that bastard, he had to do what was right.
Getting up gingerly, he placed Jessica on the bed and stamped his feet on the floorboards, wincing at the pain of the pins and needles as the blood rushed back to his toes. The chain tying her to the bed might be a problem. The bed was old, a rusty, metal frame with a dirty mattress piled on top. Evan had chained her to one of the long metal bars at the end of the bed. It would be much too hard for a small girl to break free. But a large, strong man on the other hand…
He lay down on the bed and kicked at the bar with his booted foot. After a few good blows, the rusted metal gave way with a clang. There wasn’t much he could do about the shackle clamped around her ankle, but he could deal with that later.
“Come on, sweetheart, let’s get out of here.” He lifted her up onto his hip, gathered the chain up in one hand, and stalked toward the door.