“I take it that your brother and sister don’t live around here, then?” It was the first thing that popped into his head.
“No. My sister, Keira, ended up in Hawaii. She was a bit of a gypsy, traveled all over the world for a long time. But she finally met a guy on the Big Island, got married and settled down. And my little brother, Logan has also been traveling the world. I think those two got all the wanderlust genes in the family. I seemed to have missed out. Or else, I’m the only sane one. The only one who stayed at home.” She laughed lightly. “I heard Logan was currently in one of the Caribbean Islands, but you can never be sure with my little bro. He’s a wildcard, that’s for sure.” Sierra grinned and caught his eye, and their gazes locked. He couldn’t look away, and it seemed, neither could she. The grin faded on her lips.
This was not the right time, or the right place, but he couldn’t help himself. Someone, or something had taken over his mind, was directing his body. He was no longer in charge of his own actions. He had a beautiful woman sitting right next to him, and he wanted to kiss her. So badly it made his lips twitch.
He leaned towards her.
She didn’t pull away. Just watched him with those dark, impervious eyes. But now they weren’t quite so impervious. Now, there was a hunger glowing in their depths. Her lips parted ever so slightly.
Reed brought his hand up to cup her cheek in his palm. She continued to stare at him.
Then she leaned in and met him halfway. Their mouths collided.