Page 3 of Silent Secrets


Openingmyeyes,I sit before Grace once more, unable to move. I roll my eyes before shooting her a glare.

I’m tired of this nonsense and I want answers. Such as, why am I here now? Where is my birth mother? Where am I? My mother mentioned meeting my father and siblings. How many siblings do I have and where are they?

I’ve always wanted a sibling so that I would not be so lonely. While all of this is blowing my mind, the thought of having siblings almost brings a smile to my face. You know… if I could smile right now.

Grace leans forward, and for just a moment I get a glimpse of something in her eyes—a look that I can’t quite place. I don’t know her well enough to say for sure, but it almost seems like guilt to me.

“Now you’ve seen your mother and how you came to be raised in the mortal realm, though I guess I should explain why.” She closes her eyes and speaks, obviously reciting something.

The land will prosper for millennia,

But it will not be enough for the people.

They will wish to spread their wings and fly away,

Together, discovering new worlds.

Fae no longer, the people become more.

Life forces adapting to new worlds.

The Fae that remain no longer content.

Chaos will begin, reigning over the land.

The queen that we have always known is gone,

A new power rises, the past forgotten.

Those in power forget all but their greed.

A time of great unrest will fill the land.

Until the day a secret child is born,

Born of the ancient queens and the goddess.

Hidden from those in power, she must be.

Raised in another land, safe she will be.

Until tragedy strikes the lands once more,

To the land of her birth, she will return.

Only through her can we find the right path.

The wrongs of the past can then be righted.

The future queen of the Fae will she be,

But nothing of her birthright will she know.

Pain is what she knows, strong she must be.

The end of the Fae is what failure brings.