Josh comes up to me, walking me into the tree. My back pressed up against it, he cages me in, one hand above my head with the other running through my hair. “What broken bones have you had, Emmy?”

“Uh, my arm?” It comes out as more of a question.

“Which arm? What else?”

“This one,” I say, holding up my right arm.

“What else?”

“What else what?” Maybe I can use the dumb blonde card.

“What other bones have you had broken, Emmy?”

I don’t miss his wording: not what bones have Ibroken, but what bones have I had broken.

I close my eyes. I can’t see the look of disgust that’s bound to happen when I tell him. “Ribs, mostly my ribs. A few fingers and toes. My arm—twice.” I wince.

“Emmy, open your eyes,” Josh whispers. I can feel his breath against my lips.

“Never again,” he says as his mouth meets mine.

His kiss is quick, too quick. I need more.

“You’re riding with me. Come on.”

Josh picks me up, sitting me on top of Herbert before climbing up behind me. My hip is hurting like hell. But I don’t say anything. It’s nothing I can’t handle.

He rides slowly back to the cabin, while guiding Cherry along next to us. I’m not going to lie—it’s nice riding with Josh like this. I can feel him all around me, the warmth of his body mixed with the scent of his woodsy cologne surrounding me. By the time we make it back to the cabin, all I want to do is rip his clothes off and attack him.

“The doctor should be here by now,” Josh says as we stop in front of the stables.

“I really don’t need a doctor, Josh. You’re overreacting. It’s just a scrape.”

“Humour me then, will you?” Josh says as he leads me into the cabin. The doctor is waiting in the living room. He stands up when he sees us.

“Mr. McKinley. Nice to see you, sir.”

“Doc,” Josh replies as he shakes his hand. “This is my girlfriend, Em—”

“Ember. And I really am fine. Josh is overreacting.” I cut Josh off just as he’s about to say my name. I didn’t think about this. Fuck. Josh doesn’t say anything, but he is sending me a very inquisitive look right now.

“Ember here fell off Cherry as she was dismounting. She landed on her left side.” Josh looks right at me as he annunciates my alias.

“Okay, how about you take your jeans and shirt off and we’ll have a look,” the doctor says.

“Like fuck you will!” Josh yells. I grab his arm as he starts heading for the doctor.

“Sir, I need to be able to examine her.” The doctor stands firm without backing away.

“You can do that with her clothes on her fucking body,” Josh growls.

I, however, let go of Josh’s arm, stand in front of him and strip my shirt over my head. Let’s see how much he thinks I need a doctor now.

“What the fuck? Emmy, put that back on.”

“You’re the one who wanted the good doctor here to check me out, even though I’m fine. Well, now you have to deal with it. He’s right. How’s he supposed to see if anything’s broken if I’m all covered up.” I smile.

“Fuck, if I see one second of anything that I deem inappropriate, I will put a fucking bullet in your head, doc.”