“Fuck, Em, my cock just went from half to a hundred, watching you eat eggs. It’s like high school all over again.”

“Except now you’re not too chicken shit to talk to me.” I smirk.

“Well, there’s that.” Josh laughs.

Over the past week, I’ve come out of my shell a lot. I still second guess myself (and the things I say) most times. But Josh has really put a magic spell over me, allowing me to be more myself than I’ve been in years. I can joke around with him and not get backhanded for talking back. I can ask him for something and he somehow makes it appear.

“Eat up. The horses are ready and there’s a spot I want to show you.” He points at my plate as he sits down next to me.

“You mean there’s still places we haven’t been to yet?” We’ve spent hours out on the horses every day we’ve been here. I love it. It’s so freeing, being in the bush on horseback and riding through all the trails.

Josh laughs. “Babe, this property is over three hundred hectares. We’ve barely scratched the surface.”

I shovel the food into my mouth, eager to get back out on the horses. It takes me no longer than ten minutes to finish the whole plate. “Okay, I’m ready.”

“Well, don’t let me keep you. Let’s go,” Josh says, grabbing my hand and leading me outside.

“Hi, Cherry girl,” I coo at the horse I’ve come to think of as my new best friend. Josh approaches me with the helmet he insists I wear, even though he doesn’t bother wearing one himself.

“Thank you.” I’m not going to admit it any time soon, but I secretly love his protectiveness over me.

“Jump up.” He waits for me to be settled on Cherry before getting on Herbert. Herbert’s a big, brown, grumpy Quarterback who’s perfectly matched to Josh.

“Lead the way.” I smile as innocently as I can. I love riding behind him. I get to watch that perfect ass of his bounce around.

“Try not to get too distracted.” Josh smirks as he leads us out into the fields.

It takes an hour for Josh to pull up to a stop. He jumps down from Herbert. I follow his lead and dismount from Cherry. However, I may have been a little too distracted by that ass of his in those tight denim jeans, because I somehow misstep and end up falling. I let out a little squeal as I land on my side, my left hip and arm hitting the ground.

Within seconds, Josh is by my side, panic clear all over his face.

“Fuck, Emmy, are you okay? No, of course you're not okay. Fuck. Stay still. Don’t move. Where does it hurt?”

I can’t help but laugh. I go to get up but he stops me. “Emily, do not move. What if somethings broken? You just fell off a fucking horse. Stay still.” He pulls at his hair and looks around the bush we’re currently isolated in, like somehow someone’s going to pop out and help him.

“Joshua, stop it. I’m fine. I didn’t fall off the horse. I just misstepped. That’s all. It’s just a scrape, see?” I hold my arm out for him to have a look—it really is just a scrape. I’m not sure if I should tell him my hip hurts like hell though. I can already feel the bruise forming.

“You’re not fine. You’re bleeding, Emmy. Shit, what do I do? Should I call the helipad? Fuck, there’s a doctor on the farm. I’ll get him to meet us at the cabin.”

Josh goes over to his saddle bag and pulls out what looks like a mobile phone from the dinosaur era.

“Yeah, doc, I’m gonna need you to get to the cabin. My girlfriend fell from the horse.” He’s silent for a minute before he speaks again. “No, the horse wasn’t moving. She fell when she was dismounting.”

I’m officially mortified. I get up and dust myself off. “I’m really fine, Josh. I don’t need a doctor.”

“We’ll be there in an hour. I expect you to be ready by the time we make it back.” Josh hangs up the phone.

“We need to get you back to see the doctor and make sure you are fine.” His eyes travel up and down my body, more than once.

“Josh, trust me, it’s just a scrape. Besides, I’ve had much worse than this before. I’ll be fine.”

“How do you know nothing’s broken, Emmy? Shit, what if there’s internal bleeding, or worse?”

“I’ve had broken bones before, Josh. I’d know if something were broken.”

Shit, that was not the right thing to say, judging by the look on his face. “What broken bones have you had, Emmy? And how did you break them?”

I shake my head no. “You don’t really want to know that, Josh. Let’s not ruin the end of this trip.”