“Nope, I wasn’t an asshole. I was protecting you from having to be partnered with all the other dumb fucks in that class. Besides, that class was seventy percent males; you would have ended up being partnered with someone else. You would have ended up studying with that person after school. They would have tried to hit on you. I saved you from that whole ordeal. Really, I’m like your regular knight in shining armour.”

“I’m not sure what worries me more: the fact that you truly believe your own words, or the fact that I don’t actually care about all the shit from high school.”

“You didn’t really have that bad of a time in school, did you? I really did try to make sure everyone was nice to you.” I will go back and hunt the fucking idiots down if they didn’t treat her well.

“Everyone was too scared not to be nice to me, Josh. I had lots of friends, but they were only my friends because they didn’t want to be on your bad side. Not to mention, those girls who thought you would notice them more if they hung out with me.”

“Like I would notice anyone other than you, Em. I’m sorry if I made your final years of school horrible. I really am. I was young and stupid.”

“You didn’t. You know, you’re the first boy I ever crushed on. I tried so bloody hard to get your attention that first year. But nothing seemed to work. Then I gave up, thinking that you were just out to make my life hell. Until that party where you told me you loved me. That was one of the best nights of my life.”

“You were supposed to be asleep. I can’t believe you heard that whole conversation and didn’t say anything. There was more said than just the fact that I love you.”

“Oh, you mean like the part where you said you wanted to kidnap me and run away somewhere? Or that part where you said that I gave you hope, that you could see a better future when you looked at me?”

“Look around you, Emmy. I essentially have kidnapped you and ran away.” I laugh, waving my arms around.

“Yeah, but I came willingly. You know, I would have followed you anywhere, even back then.”

“I know, which is exactly why I stayed away from you. I would have only ruined you. I probably still will ruin you.”

Emily looks at me, her eyes sad. “You can’t ruin me, Josh. I’m already ruined and there’s not enough duct tape in the world to fix me.”

I get up and squat down in front of her chair. Taking her hands in both of mine, I look her directly in her eyes. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, Emily. You are perfect, beautiful inside and out. Anyone that tells you otherwise can go and fuck off.”

“Can I use one of those magic wishes of yours?” she asks.

“Your wish is my command.” I wink.

“I wish that you would pick me up right now, kiss me like it’s the last time you’re ever going to get to kiss me, and take me to bed.”

That’s a wish I can deliver on. Picking her up, I carry her into the bedroom. I lay her down, fall on top of her and do exactly what she just wished for. Then I kiss her like it’s the last time we will ever kiss.