
Seeing Emily stick up for me, wanting to defend me, is the biggest fucking turn on ever. My cock is painfully hard right now. Hearing her threaten Paul for not letting her past him, that made my day.

My girl is starting to come out of her shell, starting to say what’s really on her mind. And I fucking love it. What I don’t love is the look of terror that immediately came over her face after she told him she’d shove his gun so far up his ass he’d be shitting bullets.

Not even I could have come up with that line. It’s not one I’ll be forgetting in a hurry. Paul might not be impressed, but I’m proud as punch with her.

“Deal with that. Make sure she leaves quietly,” I tell Paul, motioning to the stewardess who just escaped my wrath. I have more important things on my mind now; for one, my brain is counting the minutes until we are in the air and I can finally get to bury my cock into Emily.

I can’t fucking stand the look of fear on her face, and the fact that I know where that fear has come from. At least I suspect where it’s come from anyway. She’s afraid of repercussions for speaking out, for threatening a guy on my payroll. I don’t give a shit who she wants to threaten. I’ll keep reassuring her that she’s safe, for as long as it takes to sink in. She never has to sensor herself around me. If anyone else doesn’t like what she has to say, they can find the fucking door, because she is the queen of this castle. She just doesn’t know it yet.

Walking up to her and caging her against the seat she’s backed herself into, I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Emmy, you are safe here. Don’t ever be afraid of anyone when I’m around. I’ll never let anyone hurt you. You know that, right?”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that,” she apologises.

“Yes, you should have. You should always say what’s on your mind. And never be sorry for it, babe. I fucking love your mouth, every word that comes out of it. Not to mention, how it feels wrapped around my cock. Fuck!” I have to adjust my cock in my jeans. Emily looks down at my hand then back at me with wide eyes.

“I’m always hard when I’m around you, but I almost came in my fucking jeans when you wanted to defend me. You don’t need to by the way. I don’t care what people say about me. But fuck, I love that you do.” I kiss along the side of her neck and up to her ear, before sucking the lobe into my mouth.

Emily’s arms go around my neck, and she pulls me in closer. “I don’t like when people call you crazy. I never have. It makes me so angry I want to rip out their tongues and show them what crazy really looks like,” she says.

I laugh. I could not imagine Emily actually doing any of that. She’s always been sweet little Emmy, who is friends with everyone. The people pleaser, who always has a smile on her face, or at least she used to.

That smile was always fake—I could tell. Even when we were kids, I could see the pain and loneliness disguised behind her smiles. I love the real Emmy, the one she lets me see. I could live without watching her experience those fucking nightmares and the constant fear, but it’s only been a few days and we are making progress. I don’t care if it takes the rest of my life. I will get her to be the strong, confident woman I know she can be.

“Remember that time in year eleven when Jessica projectile vomited all over John in science?” she asks.

“Ah, yeah. Why?”

“Well, I overheard her in the bathroom that morning, telling Cassie how you had asked her out, but she turned you down because you were too psycho for her.” Emily smiles at me, one of her bright, real smiles. “I might have put something in her iced coffee at recess.”

“You made her sick? Because you thought I asked her out?” I ask, confused.

“No, well, maybe. Mostly because she was calling you names. And a little bit because I was jealous and angry that you’d ask her out and not me.” She pouts.

“Babe, I never asked her out. There was only ever one girl I wanted in high school.”

“Who?” Emily pulls away from me and folds her arms over her chest.

“You, of course. I never dated or hooked up with anyone before you, Emmy,” I confess. That night was not just her first time.

“Really, I was your first too? You were so good at it I assumed you’d done it before.”

“Well, it’s not exactly a hardship to love you, Emmy. Come sit, we need to get ready for takeoff.”

I lead her over to one of the four sets of chairs in this cabin. As soon as we are in the air, I plan on taking her into the bedroom and not coming out until landing time. Leaning across the seat, I buckle her seat belt for her.

“Thank you?” Emily questions.

“Trust me, it’s my pleasure.” I have to readjust my cock yet again; he’s fucking raging to get out and into his home between Emily’s thighs.

“You okay over there?” Emily raises her eyebrows at me.

“No, not at all,” I grunt out.

“Sir, ma’am, can I get you all anything before we take off.” The second stewardess, who has just been standing in the background the whole time, timidly approaches us.

“No, I’m good. Thank you. Emily, do you need anything?” I ask her. She’s chewing on her bottom lip, contemplating if she can request something or not.