“Yes, sir.” She beams at him.

“You’re fired. Get the fuck off my plane,” he growls as he walks past her, dragging me behind him.

“But-but… I’ve worked for your family for years. You can’t just fire me,” she stammers out.

Josh stops walking and steps in front of me. “You see that name embroidered onto the seats? That’s my name. I very much can fire you and I just did. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

“Are you crazy?” she yells at him. Something in me snaps. I’ve always hated when people call Josh crazy. He’s not crazy, just different. Okay, maybe a little crazy, but he’s my kind of crazy. No one else is going to get away with calling him names.

I step in front of Josh. He lets me move him aside, allowing me to get in front of him. There’s a drink on one of the side tables. I don’t know what’s in it or whose it is, but right now I don’t care. I pick it up and throw the liquid at the stupid bitch.

“He’s not crazy. But if you call him any more names, you’re about to see just how crazy I am,” I threaten over her shrieks.

“You stupid bitch!” she screams and starts charging towards me. Before I can even blink, I’m pushed behind a big body. When I finally look around the wide shoulders obstructing my view, I see that Josh has the woman up against the wall of the plane. His hand is wrapped around her throat.

Shit, this escalated way too much. Josh’s body is vibrating as he holds her in place but I am blocked by the figure in front of me. I can’t get to him.

“Do you want to know what happened to the last person who threatened her?” He tilts his head behind him, in my direction. The woman doesn’t answer, but he continues.

“I took my time. It wasn’t quick. Three hours, he held out for three hours before I finally let him die. Do you know how it feels to have your skin removed from your body, bit by bit? To watch pigs eat the fingers and toes that have been cut off? All the while, knowing the rest of your body will end up in the pigpen too?”

The girl goes white. Surely, he didn’t… did he? Even though I know he’s probably telling the truth, I can’t bring myself to look at him any differently. I saw him shoot someone right in front of me, yet I never thought of it again. He does that to me, the Josh fog. Whenever I’m with him, it’s like the rest of the world doesn’t exist. It’s just us.

Right now, I need that. I need it to be just me and him again. “Josh, I-I need…” I don’t even know what I need. What do I say to get him to let her go? I try to step around the hulking man who’s blocking my way, but he doesn’t let me.

“If you don’t move out of my way, I’m going to shove that gun—the one I can clearly see under your jacket—so far up your ass you’ll be shitting bullets for weeks.” I fold my arms over my chest and wait for the man to move.

The whole plane goes silent, all bar Josh, who is currently laughing under his breath. What the hell is so funny?

I look up at the guy in front of me; he doesn’t look impressed. Oh shit, I then realise what I just said. Where the hell did that even come from? I take a step back, my throat dry.

I hear Josh yell, “Fuck!” but my eyes don’t leave the hulking guy. Although he hasn’t moved, my feet are still stepping away from him, that is, until my back hits a chair and I can’t move any further.