
Oh my God! Did he say he’s going to drink from me? Is he playing games with me here? I can’t tell. I hate that I can’t tell. He just caught me red-handed on his laptop, which was password protected, not that the password was hard to figure out.

I tried to search my name, to see if there was any news about me or what I had done. I got nothing, not a goddamn thing. No one is looking for me. I searched Trent’s name, and again, nothing. Does that mean nobody has found his body yet? Is he still lying in a pool of his own blood on the kitchen floor?

I don’t know why Josh isn’t mad that I was on his computer. Why is he acting like everything is fine?

“Emmy?” His husky voice breaks me out of my internal monologue.


“Mind if I quench my thirst?” He smirks at me.

“Is that even a real question? If you don’t, I’m sure I can find someone else who will.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I know I’ve made a mistake.

Josh growls and his fingers dig into my thighs, spreading them wider than they already are. “Emily, if you ever let another man near my pussy, you’ll be signing their death certificates. Because I will fucking kill them.” He looks me dead in the eyes. It’s not his words that tell me just how serious he is, or the fact that he said Emily and not Emmy. It’s his eyes. The soul-piercing icy stare, the same gaze I imagine the devil would have.

But isn’t that exactly who I’ve been in love with all my life? The devil currently staring back at me? I smile at him.

“I’d help you bury the bodies. Because I promise, if another man got anywhere near me, it wouldn’t be because I wanted him to. Now you, on the other hand… I very much want you near me, on me, in me.”

“Fuck, Emmy!” Josh grunts out, as he buries his face in the apex of my legs again. He doesn’t waste any time before his tongue is slicing between my folds. My head falls back against the desk.

“Oh God, don’t stop,” I moan. Josh’s hands go under my ass as he lifts my hips off the table, his tongue alternating between pumping in and out of my centre and circling around my clit.

My hands fist his hair, pushing his face into me, while attempting to hold him still in just that one spot. That spot that’s going to let me fly over the edge. He doesn’t let me control the show. The more I pull and push on his head, the further away he moves from the spot I want him licking.

“Argh, I’m so close!” I groan. I feel him laugh, the vibrations going straight through me. He’s torturing me on purpose, keeping me hanging off the edge with just enough promise of ecstasy but not delivering.

“Josh, please, I-I need.” What is it that I need? I don’t even know anymore.

“I’ll give you everything you need and more, Emmy. All you have to do is ask,” Josh says, peering up at me. I have a feeling he’s talking about more than just making me come.

“I need to come, damn it,” I growl. Why did he take his tongue off me?

“Your wish is my command.” He smirks.

He inserts two fingers into me, while his tongue goes straight for the kill spot. I detonate. Stars, fog, the whole thing. My body quivers, and my pussy grips his fingers as my release gushes out of me.

Josh doesn’t stop licking, drinking until I’m nothing but a puddle of electrified nerve endings, sprawled out on his desk. He kisses his way up my body, his lips claiming mine. Tasting myself on him turns me on way more than I ever thought it would.

Fuck, I want him. I want him so much it scares the shit out of me. This isn’t healthy; I can see that. But right now, I don’t care. All I can focus on is getting access to his cock. I push him back until he’s sitting in his chair again.

Smiling, I slide off the desk, kneeling in front of him. It’s my turn. Let’s see how much he likes being kept within arm’s reach of nirvana. My hands grasp for his belt. I keep eye contact with him as I undo the loops and then move onto getting his jeans undone.

Josh holds my hands still. “Emmy, you don’t have to do this.” His voice is strained, like although he means every word he says, he doesn’t actually want to say them.

“But I want to. Do you not want me to?” I ask.

He lets go of my hands. “I want it. More than you fucking know,” he grunts.

I go back to my task of freeing him from his jeans. I smile as I achieve my goal, my mouth watering at the sight of his hard cock, precum dripping from the top. My tongue glides easily along the tip, licking up what he’s offering.

His taste is a little salty, musky. My hand wraps around, firmly gripping his length as I glide my arm up and down. I take turns pumping him with my hand, and running my tongue along the underside of his cock, from his balls right up to the tip, twirling around the top.

“Fuck, Emmy!” Josh growls, but other than his hips slightly pumping upwards with each stroke I make, he doesn’t move. His hands grip the armrests of his chair, his knuckles white with the force.

After five minutes of teasing, I can’t take it any longer. I need him in my mouth. I slide my lips down over his length. My hand grips onto the base of him. I can’t fit the whole of him in my mouth.