“Okay, I’ll come down tomorrow. I need to sort some things out here first.” Dean picks Ella up off the ground, kissing her.

Yep, don’t need to see that shit. I’m surprised he’s not insisting on coming down today with her. I do suspect he’ll be there before midnight. There’s no way he’s going all night without Ella attached to him.

“Okay, we’ll be downstairs. Car’s leaving in five minutes, El, with or without you,” I tell her as I lead Emmy to the elevator.

* * *

Never again!Never fucking again will I take a fucking three-hour road trip with both Ella and Emily together. If I didn’t already have shares in a paracetamol company, I’m about to fucking buy some.

Nonstop talking and laughing the whole trip. Add in the off-key singing and you have yourself a fucking migraine. The only reason I didn’t tell them both to shut the fuck up was because of how happy Emily was. Hearing her laugh and be carefree is what I imagine angels sound like.

Not that I’m ever going to meet any angels, other than Emily. I’m sure if there is a maker up there somewhere, he’d be chewing someone’s ass out for their mistake of making Emily and me soulmates. Her pureness should never have gotten mixed up with my level of evil.

Too late now, motherfuckers. She’s mine and I don’t give a fuck what anyone has to say about it. Pulling up in front of the house, I glare at the fucker who is about to open Emily’s door for her. He quickly walks around the car, choosing to open Ella’s instead. I know he’s doing the job I fucking pay him to do, but I want to be the one opening doors for her, not any other fuckers.

“Thank you.” Emily smiles at me as she climbs out of the car.

“Anytime.” I smirk. Taking her hand, I lead her inside with Ella following behind.

“Shit, I probably should have thought about this whole night without Dean thing a little better,” she says.

“You’ll be fine. It’s one night, El,” I tell her.

“Sure, I’ll be fine. It’s only one night,” she repeats.

Something is off with her now that we’re here. I don’t like it. I don’t like the way she’s withdrawing into herself. I’ve seen her do it a few times before. I’ve seen the way she rubs at her wrists, and I’ve seen the scars she tries to cover up.

“Babe, can you take this to my office for me? I’m just going to grab a drink, then I’ve got a few things I need to catch up on. I thought you and Ella could hang out a bit while I work.” I hand over my laptop bag to Emily.

If only she knew how much trust I’m putting in her hands right now. I don’t let anyone touch that laptop. There is access to literally billions of dollars on that one machine. Emily looks between Ella and me before nodding her head.

“Sure, how about I have a quick shower and meet you at the pool?” she asks Ella.

“Yeah, sounds good,” Ella responds, a little vacant. Emily’s eyebrows draw down, but she silently turns around and heads towards my office.

I wait for her to be out of earshot before I speak to Ella.

“What’s wrong? And don’t fucking try to lie to me. I already know your tells. You can’t lie for shit.”

“Nothing’s wrong. I just don’t know how I’m going to get through a whole night without Dean. I mean, if you were having sex with him, you’d understand what that man can do.” She smirks.

“Try again,” I say.

“I… okay, I don’t know. What if I can’t do it? What if I get that urge to…?” Her sentence trails off.

“Then you come to me, Ella.”

“You don’t know, Josh. You don’t know what I do,” she says quietly, averting her eyes as if she’s ashamed.

“El, you don’t have anything to be ashamed of. And you don’t need to say it either. I know.” I hold her wrist, turning it over. “These scars do not define who you are. They are a part of you, not the whole you. Do you know who you are, Ella?”

“Who am I?” she asks.

“You’re Ella fucking McKinley. The McKinley Princess is what they’re calling you in the papers. Hold your head up high. You don’t bow down to any motherfuckers. You make them bow down to you.”

“Okay, thank you,” she says as she’s about to walk away.

“Ella, I may not be Dean or Bray. But I know better than anyone about battling internal demons. If you need to talk, you come to me.”