“I’m not mad. I just really miss you, that’s all.”

“Yeah, I miss you too. The girls want to go to some place called The Merge. But I don’t want to go, Josh. What if they find me there?” she says.

I pause. “Emmy, who? What if who finds you?” I prompt, hoping like fuck that she’s drunk enough to let something slip.

I hear a bang. “Emmy, Emmy?” I yell through the receiver.

“Oopsie-daisy. I dropped the phone, but don’t worry, it’s not broken or anything,” she says before she starts rambling on again, “Josh, my lips are numb, but I really want you to kiss them. I like your kisses. They’re nice.”

I laugh. I like drunk Emmy. I need to call my brother though, which means I need to hang up the phone.

“Emmy, babe, have those lips ready for me. I plan on kissing the hell out of them as soon as I get home.”

“Well, hurry up then,” she says before the phone cuts out.

I dial Dean straight away.

“Yeah?” he answers.

“Your wife is currently in my apartment giving Emily tequila shots,” I grunt.

“Last I checked Emily was an adult?” he replies.

“I currently have four drunk women in my penthouse, Dean. Three too many. Come and fucking get them.”

“What do you mean four? Who else is there?”

“Ella, Reilly and Alyssa.”

“Fucking hell. I thought Ella was taking Emily shopping.”

“Emily wanted to shop online. I don’t know how the others got involved. But you need to come and get them.”

“Okay, Zac and I are on our way.”

I hang up as I pull up out front of the building.