I smile as the image plays over in my head, but it vanishes when I see the cocksucker lean in to kiss her. Fuck no, not fucking happening.

I storm up and rip him away from her. Throwing a right hook, I get him straight on his jaw; his head snaps back. He’s a big fucker. I don’t give him time to recover before I’m knocking his ass on the ground. I jump on top of him and land hit after hit to his head.

All I see is a red haze as the image of his lips on hers runs through my mind. I just keep striking over and over. Then I feel it, her hand on my arm, pulling me back. Her voice breaks through the fog.

“Josh, stop it. You’re going to kill him,” she whispers.

Blinking away the remaining haze, I stand up, grab her hand and lead her out of the ballroom. I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never dragged her off before, yet she’s willingly following me.

Once I get to my Range Rover, I open the passenger door, pick her up and place her inside the car. Shutting the door gently, I run around to the other side and start driving.

Neither of us say anything. The drive is silent. I can feel her questioning gaze on me. However, she doesn’t speak, not until I steer us through the ranch gates and start taking the back tracks past the bush. The ones I know lead to a little cabin in the middle of nowhere.

“You know, I should warn you. If you brought me out here to kill me, or I don’t know, chop me up and feed me to pigs or something, I would have liked some warning, so I could have worn something more appropriate for the occasion.”

“Pigs? Why would I feed you to pigs?” I ask her.

“Because they eat ninety-nine percent of the human body, practically don’t leave a trace.” She shrugs like that’s a fact everyone should know.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

I stop outside the cabin and turn the car off. “Relax, Emmy. If I wanted you dead, you would have been in the ground three years ago.”

“Well, that’s comforting,” she replies as I’m jumping out of the car.

By the time I reach her door, she’s already outside it. I don’t understand this girl. Why the fuck would she follow me out to a deserted cabin? Why the fuck isn’t she scared?

“Emmy, why the fuck do you trust me enough to let me bring you out to a deserted cabin in the fucking woods?” I question. I’m pissed off. Would she follow just anyone out here?

“I know you won’t hurt me, Josh. You’re an asshole, a little unhinged at times. But I trust that you won’t hurt me.” She looks me straight in the eye, momentarily sucking me into a trance.

“Come on. I want to show you something.” I take her hand and lead her into the cabin. I came by earlier and hung fucking fairy lights everywhere. I had every intention of bringing her back here tonight.

“Oh my God, Josh, this is beautiful.” Emmy turns in a circle, taking in the small room.

“Not nearly as beautiful as you are,” I confess.

“Wait, what? You… Josh, you don’t mean that.” She stumbles over her words.

“I mean every word of it. Emmy, you are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. I can’t give you promises of tomorrow. What I can give you is tonight. Let me give you tonight.” I’m practically begging her for one night. I hold my breath, waiting for her reply.

As soon as she gives a slight nod, I slam my lips onto hers and I’ve finally found my home. Finally found the place where I belong. The cookie to my cream, the Tim to my Tam.