I want to mark her, to make sure every fucker knows she’s mine and only mine. I get so lost in taking her in, I don’t notice the stable hand enter the building until he’s approaching her.

I watch as he looks her up and down, licking his lips like he’s about to eat a delicious meal. He’s about to be the fucking meal if he doesn’t avert his eyes elsewhere.

The fucker has a death wish. And I’m the goddamn genie who’s going to grant it. I stay hidden in the shadows; neither of them knows that I’m here. As soon as Emmy notices she’s not alone, she glances towards both exits. Smart girl. She’s already looking for a way to escape a possible threat.

The fact that she even has to think like that is fucked up. She should feel safe in her own home. That’s exactly the way I plan to make her feel.

“Hey there, darlin’. You need a hand?” the dead guy walking asks her.

“Ah, no. Thank you. I’m fine.” Emmy’s voice is quiet.

“Yes, you sure are,” the cocksucker says as he rakes his eyes down her body again.

I watch as Emmy folds into her own body. Her head hangs low, her blonde hair falling (as it so often does) in curtains around her face.

“Ah, you should go. I’m meeting someone. He should be here any minute now.” Emmy looks to the entrance, almost like she’s praying someone else walks in.

Pulling my phone out, I type a quick text to Paul, my head of security.

Me:Clean up in the stables

His reply comes in quick, my phone vibrating in my hand.

Paul: Really, Josh? It’s eight a.m. What the fuck could you have possibly gotten up to already?

Me:It’s what I’m about to do that’s going to need cleaning up.

Putting my phone back into my pocket, I make my way towards Jasper’s stable, where that fucker is blocking the entrance and trapping my Emmy in.

“I don’t see anyone else around, darlin’. It’s just you and me out here. No one comes by these parts for at least another few hours.” He takes a step towards her; she steps back.

Jasper starts to get agitated. Emily tries to soothe him, patting his neck. She whispers something to Jasper. And I swear I see the horse nod in agreement with her. Fuck, I must be getting crazier by the fucking day.

Emily notices me standing behind the fucker, and her eyes widen. I bring my finger to my lips, telling her to keep quiet. Pulling the knife from the ankle of my left leg, I snap my hand around him, placing the blade firmly at the base of his throat.

“I’m pretty sure the lady asked you to leave her alone,” I say.

“What? No, we were just talking, that’s all. I was just on my way out,” he tries.

“Really? Is that true, Emmy? You wanted to talk to this guy?” I look at her, but she’s transfixed on the knife I’m holding at the guy’s throat. She slightly shakes her head no.

“That’s what I thought. You see, this here is my girlfriend, and I don’t take kindly to anyone that tries to fuck with her,” I growl. As much as I want to slit his throat here and now, I don’t want Emmy to see me like that. I don’t want her to see how truly dark I am inside.

“I never have been one to play well with others. But Emmy here, she’s a fucking saint. Always thinking of others before herself. Even though she knows you had all horrible intentions, she still doesn’t want me to hurt you.”

Emmy’s eyes widen, before she looks down.

“The thing is, I’m going to enjoy hurting you. And I’ve got some hungry fucking pigs to feed.”

Paul comes running into the stables, three men behind him, all four with their guns drawn. Emily gasps as she takes in the four hulking men pointing their weapons in our direction.

“Put the fucking guns away,” I growl at them, not once taking my eyes off Emily. She’s backed herself right up against the far wall.

Paul comes up behind me, tapping me on the shoulder. “Boss, I’ll take it from here.”

Like fuck he will. This fucker had every intention of messing with Emily. I’m going to make sure my face is the last thing he sees. Then he’ll know to run when I meet him in hell.

“Josh, let me take him to the shed. You need to get your girl inside.” Paul steps in front of me, holding his hand out.