“Nope,” I answer, letting the ‘P’ pop.
“That’s what I thought. Hal Gambino is also MIA… Guess you don’t know anything about that either?”
“Good guess and good riddance.”
“His sons are out for blood. They know you had something to do with it.”
I laugh. Hal’s sons are nothing but rich playboy wannabes. “Let them come at me.”
“Right, anyone ever tell you you’re too cocky for your own good?” Donatello asks.
“Yeah. My father. All the fucking time.” I smirk.
“Right. Anyway, the Clover AKA Noah Kelly and Big Johnno flew in from Italy a week ago. They’ve been here for days, without a peep. They’re not stupid, T. They are planning something big. These are not men you want lurking in the shadows with your family in the crosshairs. You need to be on the offensive. You should send your wife and mother somewhere safe.”
“My wife goes where I go. Sending her anywhere is out of the question. As for my mother, she’ll be fine wherever she is.”
“You’re a stubborn son of a bitch, and it’s going to get you killed.”
I’m about to tell him to go fuck himself when a little voice stops me in my tracks. “Nonno, I knew I heard you. What are you doing here? Did you know Uncle T and Aunt Holly bought a new house? And they’re having a baby.”
I look down at Isabella, now standing beside me, having squeezed her hand in mine. “How’d you know about that?” I ask.
She shrugs. “I hear things. And now I’m going to be a cousin. Isn’t that good, Nonno?”
“It’s great, Izzy. Bellissimo. Congratulations,” Donatello says, while Uncle Gabe and Neo stare at me in shock. I hadn’t gotten around to telling them (or anyone) yet.
“I hope it’s a girl cousin. Do you think it will be a girl cousin, Uncle T?” Izzy asks me.
“I’m not sure,bella. But whatever kind of cousin it is, I’m sure they will be thrilled to meet you. Why don’t you go find your mother? It’s getting late.”
“But I just got in here.” She pouts.
“Bel, come with me. Let’s raid Uncle T’s fridge. I think we need cake,” Neo says, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.
“Yes, cake! Bye, Nonno. Ti voglio bene,” she squeals as they exit the room.
“She seems like she’s at home here,” Donatello observes.
“She is.” I shrug.
“Angelica said you’d accepted them in, no questions asked. I’m glad. They were both excited about you.”
“We’re not here for some big family reunion. You came to warn me. You’ve done that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have shit to do.” I stop at the door. “Uncle Gabe, tell my mother she should come home.” As angry as I am at her right now, I’d never forgive myself if something happened to her. I head straight back to the bedroom and shower quickly before slipping into bed with my wife. Resting my hand on her stomach, I send up a silent prayer that we make it through this fucking shitshow of a war. I may not have drawn first blood, but I will fucking draw the last. I will make sure Holly and our child are safe.
* * *
I wake up to an empty bed. Again. I jump straight up, about to walk out of the bedroom in search of Holly, when I hear her in the bathroom. I push the door open and see her pale face bent over the toilet. I sit down next to her and pull her hair away from her face. “This is your fault, you know. You did this to me,” she says, leaning against my chest.
“Yeah, I did!” I mentally high-five myself again. I got Holly knocked up. “What can I do? How can I help?”
“You can’t.” She jumps over to the bowl again and is emptying what little she has left in her stomach.
“I should call Doc. This can’t be good, right? What if something’s wrong?” I start to panic.
“T, somethingiswrong with me. It’s called pregnancy. I’ll be fine. I’m sure it will pass. Could you get me some water, and my toothbrush?”
I kiss her forehead, ignoring the scent of vomit she currently has going on. I’ve smelt worse bodily fluids. I pour a glass of water and squirt some toothpaste onto her toothbrush. “Here, open up,” I say, holding the toothbrush to her mouth.