I smile at him. He’s probably right. Zaciscontrolling. And looking at Neo, dressed in what Reilly has already informed me (more than once this morning) is a Tom Ford suit, I can appreciate his fashion choices.


The morning started off with me wanting to blow my way through these fancy black cards. I’ve yet to even swipe one thing on them though. I’ve purchased plenty of new clothes (all of which Reilly tells me are perfect), while the groans and straight-outNOsI’ve been getting from Neo (as soon as I come out of the dressing rooms) tell me that the outfit is most definitely ayes. If he doesn’t like them, then Theo most definitely won’t approve either. Maybe next time he’ll think twice before commenting on what I wear.

We’ve just sat down for lunch. I was surprised that Alyssa did meet us at the store, with Zac hot on her heels. Although, sitting in the middle of the food court, eating greasy hamburgers and fries with Neo and Zac, is a little unsettling. They both seem to be on high alert, their eyes constantly scanning their surroundings. Sonnie refused to sit down. He’s standing with his back to me and his arms crossed while staring out into the crowd. People are looking at him, probably wondering who we are and why we are important enough to have our own security.

“Neo, make him sit down. It looks weird,” I whisper.

“He’s doing his job, Holly. A job he can’t do if he’s sitting down getting too comfortable.

“And what is his job?” Zac interjects.

“He’s security. His job is to ensure nobody gets within two feet of this one, our little regina.” Neo points a finger in my direction.

“Huh, queen? Hey, did you go and marry a king, Hol?” Zac cocks a brow. He knows. He’s messing with me right now and hoping to make me squirm. How the hell does he know? Bloody Bray.

“Shut up, Zac. I know you know exactly what and who Theo is. We are not discussing this here. Actually, we are not discussing my husbandat allwhen he’s not around. You’re more than welcome to discuss all of his affairs with him,directly,after he arrives. Want me to schedule you in for a meeting?” I’m getting worked up. I can’t help how defensive I am when it comes to that man. Everyone at the table is staring at me with wide eyes. I’ve never been this outspoken person. I don’t know where it’s coming from. I can feel my face heating up, my skin turning red.

“Yeah, T is a touchy subject for this one. She actually shot me straight in the chest, because we were brawlin’.” Neo laughs.

Zac’s eyebrows jump up, but he shakes his head at Neo, like he doesn’t believe him. “I don’t need a meeting with your husband, Holly. I just need to make sure that my family doesn’t get caught in the crossfire. And that includes you—youare part of my family too.”

“Thank you. But, as you can see, I’m constantly surrounded by overbearing, overprotective men, who think they need to shield me from a threat that clearly doesn’t exist here.” I wave my hand from Neo to Sonnie.

Zac shrugs. “You can never be too careful, Hol. It’d be wise of you to listen to them.”

“Oh, shit! Incoming, two o’clock. Holly, don’t look,” Reilly hisses.

Of course I can’t help but crane my neck. And, yep, I regret it the moment I do. Heading straight towards us,towards me, is none other than Brett. A sleazy car salesman I went on a whole three dates with. All double dates with Reilly before she met Bray.

Sonnie steps straight in front of me, blocking my view. Neo is on his feet and around the table within seconds of seeing Brett beeline in our direction. I watch as Neo’s hand reaches behind him and into his waistband. He’s going to... Oh shit.

“Neo, no!” I jump up and walk around them. I may not want to talk to (or deal with) the kind of guy who only makes eye contact with my chest, but I also don’t need Neo going all mafia badass on a relatively harmless sleazeball.

“Holly, I thought that was you. Babe, it’s been way too long,” Brett says, ignoring the two men at my back. He goes to wrap his arms around me, but I’m pulled away before he’s within reach.

I gasp at the shock of being lifted and placed right next to Sonnie. “Hands off. You’re not to touch her. And if your eyes don’t shoot upwards and start looking at her in a more respectful manner, I will gladly rip them straight out of their sockets.” Sonnie smirks. “It’s a lot easier than it sounds,” he adds.

Brett’s gaze immediately rises to my face, and he glares between me and my burly bodyguard. He shakes his head. “I’ll, uh, see you around, Holly.” He makes a quick escape, walking away as fast as he can without flat-out running.

“Was that really necessary?” I turn to Sonnie.

“He was going to touch you, ma’am. I have strict orders thatno one is to touch you.”

“Yeah, I bet you do.” I’m not really mad about the encounter. I didn't actually want sleazy Brett to hug me, but I would also like to be able to handle things myself. I could have managed him without their help. “I have a stop to make, then we can head home,” I say to Reilly and Alyssa.

* * *

“You know, if you want to get even with T for whatever shit he did to piss you off this morning, this is the kind of place where you actually swipe one of those black cards,” Neo whispers as he stands right beside me.

We are in the middle of a lingerie store. It’s unsettling having him in here with me. “Can you like just wait outside or something? And why would me buying underwear get even with T?”

“Because he’ll see the transaction. He’ll look up the store. And then he’ll be stuck wondering what you bought while he’s desperate to see you in it. Trust me, it’ll drive him nuts. I’ll wait right at the doors.” Neo walks to the entrance, where he and Sonnie position themselves like two statues. Zac is busy somewhere else in the store, picking up things and telling Alyssa she needs them, to which she rolls her eyes and puts everything back on the shelf.

I grab a few sets and find Reilly. “I need your help. Come with me.” I drag her into the dressing room and hand her the crappy burner phone. “I need pictures, ones that will make me look hot.” I blush.

“My-my, Hol, are you planning on sending naughty pictures to the mysterious husband?”