Page 46 of Love at the Lottie

My head shot up at her question. Then the penny dropped.

“No. Absolutely not. I’m guessing she overheard me on the phone to Marcus. He was the one taking the test.”

I stood up and walked up and down the room, muttering under my breath. Trust Marcus, in a roundabout way, to make my life a mess. But she should have said something rather than making assumptions.

“I didn’t think so. All I can say in her defence is she’s still hurting from what her last boyfriend did to her.”

I sat back down. “I get that. I more than anyone can understand what it’s like to be deceived. But I thought we’d got past that.” I groaned and shook my head.

“You want some advice? Go and talk to her now. She’s at the allotment.”

I got up and kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll do just that.”

“Be careful,” she hollered as I headed for the door. “You know how volatile my niece can be.”

Yeah, she’d got that right. I’d been on the receiving end. I’d just got in my car when my mobile went off. Marcus.

“What?” I shouted.

“Who rattled your cage? The redhead?”

I swore loudly. “In a way, yes. She heard our conversation about paternity tests. Or rather, she heard one side and made assumptions about what was said.”

“Fuck. Does she think you took the test?” I could hear mirth in his voice.

“Not. Funny. Asshole.”

“Hey, don’t get stroppy with me. It’s not my fault your girlfriend eavesdropped and made up her own mind about what was said.”

“Look, Marcus, I need to make this right. I’m off to the allotment.”

“Okay. Are we still on for tonight?”

I wasn’t really sure I was up for a bender with Marcus. My head was pounding already, and I didn’t think booze would help.

“Can we take a rain check?”


That was short and sweet for him, but he was the least of my problems.

* * *