Page 39 of Love at the Lottie

“Her best friend came to me; she was raging. Not at me, but at Leanne. Apparently, she’d booked the trip to the Maldives in her and her best friend’s boyfriend’s names. She’d been seeing him behind our backs. Turns out, he works for some prestigious firm in the city and earns a shit ton of money. I guess my savings weren’t enough for her rich tastes.”

“What a bitch.”

“Yeah. I haven’t seen her in a while, but I did bump into her friend, who informed me that her boyfriend ditched Leanne.”

“Glad to hear it. You’re a great guy, Luke, and you deserve better.” She placed a soft kiss on my cheek. That one touch set my heart thudding.

“Looks like we’ve both been through shit, huh?”

“We sure have, but I think it makes you more resilient. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?”

I couldn’t think of a single thing to say, so I captured her lips with mine and let my mouth do the talking. When we broke apart, she chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

“Can you believe that not so long ago we were fighting? Look how far we’ve come.” Her eyes were shining bright.

“Hmm,” I mumbled against the soft skin of her neck. “Now we’re sharing our pasts and having wild sex in sheds.”

I loved it when she shivered at my touch.

“So,” she said, fixing her eyes to mine. “When’s round two?” Her brows rose in question.

Jesus, now my dick was interested.

“Seeing as you have to pick your aunt up, tonight is out of the question. How do you fancy coming over to my house tomorrow? I’ll cook, but I’ll require some form of payment.”

The colour rose high in her cheeks, and her breath hitched. “Um, that depends on the payment.”

“Well…” I inched closer to her. “You need to be naked on my bed, legs wide open, ready for me to fuck the life out of you.”

She swallowed loudly. “I… I’m sure I can manage that payment quite easily.”

I placed a teasing kiss on her lips. “Good.”


It had been an evening of great soul-searching spent with Luke. Getting our pasts out in the open had helped us to better understand one another. We’d both had our trust broken. It was horrible that we’d had to go through it, but it meant we came out knowing we couldn’t trust everyone in life.

I was at the allotment the following day. Aunt Doll had come with me on the pretence of keeping an eye on what I was doing. So that would be why she was sitting having tea with Toby on his plot. They were laughing about something, heads locked together. They were in love, I was certain of it.

“Come on, Red. No time for slacking.”

Luke’s words made me smile, and I was actually growing to like his nickname for me. He’d crept up on me unannounced.

“I’m just watching the two lovebirds over there.” I inclined my head towards the couple.

“It’s great, isn’t it? I’ve watched them for a long time. I’m surprised it’s taken so long.”

“Felicity, can I have a word, please?”

I groaned when I saw Gordon striding towards me with his ever-present clipboard in his hand. “What bloody rule have I broken now?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

“Yes, Gordon?”

“I’ve been reliably informed that you’re good at designing posters and flyers.”