Page 3 of Love at the Lottie


Iparked my car outside the gate to the allotment and was unlocking the padlock when some officious-looking guy strode over in my direction. He had a clipboard under one arm and a fierce expression on his face, which immediately got my hackles raised. This must be the person my aunt called Sergeant Major. Little man syndrome mixed with a dash of jobsworth thrown in for shits and giggles.

“You must be Felicity.”

“Yes. That’s me.”

“Come with me. I’ll escort you to Dolly’s plot.”

“That’s very kind, but I know where I’m going. I…”

He held up his hand to silence me. Rude asshole.

“I’m the field warden, and it’s my duty to give you a rundown of the rules and regulations for this allotment.”

“No need. I’ve got all that here. My aunt gave it to me.” I waved the sheets of paper she’d printed off for me the night before.

“You may have questions,” he blustered.

“Look, I appreciate your concern, but I’m sure I can deal with this on my own. If I have questions, I’ll come and find you. Okay?” I wasn’t very good at being diplomatic, and my words came out a bit more abrupt than I meant.

Sergeant Major’s eyebrows flew upwards, almost high enough to touch the baldness he tried to hide on his shiny head. His cheeks turned dark crimson, and I honestly thought he was having a heart attack.

“Your aunt will hear about your rudeness. And you’re not wearing suitable clothing either!”

His voice had risen to almost fever pitch. There were a few people already working on their plots who’d all turned to watch our heated debate with interest.

Way to go for making such a dramatic entrance, Fliss.

I looked down at what I was wearing; my luminous green hoodie with my company’s logo of a purple dragon, matching tracksuit bottoms, and tartan Converse trainers.

“You’re more than welcome to talk with my aunt. As for what I’m wearing, as long as I’m not naked, it’s none of your business. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a plot to work on.”

He was making all kinds of noises that sounded like they should be words but seemed more like growls and squeaks. I turned on my heel to head to my aunt’s plot. She’d given me directions because it had been years since I was last there. Somehow, my feet got tangled together. The next thing I knew, I was flat on my back and lying in the only muddy puddle in the area, with sheets of paper fluttering all around me. This day was getting better with each flaming minute.

The Sergeant Major took that moment to stride off in the opposite direction, growling about the rude youth of today. I sat up, praying I didn’t look as bad as I thought I did. I could feel the cold seeping right through my clothes, undies included. My glasses were askew. I’d wear my contact lenses next time. Thank God they hadn’t fallen off. Getting to my feet, I gathered up the papers and was about to scuttle off when I heard the deep sound of a man’s rumbling laugh.

“Looks like you’re in a bit of mess there, Red.”

If there was one thing I hated, it was nicknames relating to the colour of my hair. Especially from a stranger. I whirled around to see a man, probably about my age, watching me with amusement. His lips still twitched as I gave him my best death stare. The one that usually sent people running for cover. Not him, obviously.

“What’s your problem?” I hissed.

He spread his hands wide. “I don’t have one. Looks like you do, though.” He indicated to the state of my clothing.

“The only problem I can see is the asshole standing in front of me. Why don’t you hurry back to your plot and bury yourself neck deep in soil?”

As I strode past, I bumped him, hard, with my elbow. It elicited a grunt from him. A small victory, but I’d take it.

“What a bitch,” I heard him mutter.

I saw red, wheeled around, and strode back to him. He had the good grace to look embarrassed but held his ground.

“I may be a bitch,” I said as I poked his chest. Oh boy, it was a firm chest. “But I’d have offered to help someone who’d fallen over. Thanks. For nothing.”

I walked away from him, trying not to think about the ripped chest beneath his t-shirt, the way his jeans moulded to his long legs, the gorgeous green eyes, and short black hair. Not to mention his kissable lips and stubble. Nope, not thinking about that. At. All.

* * *