Page 29 of Love at the Lottie

“Hey. You too.”

We headed for the living room where Dolly waited on her crutches. Toby went directly to her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

“Let me help you to the car.” He beamed at her, and she blushed.

“Thank you, Toby. Luke, would you mind fetching my wheelchair, please? It’s folded up and ready to go in the hall. Can you grab all the other bags, please, Fliss?”


The two of them headed down the path, chatting and laughing.

“Ah, love’s young dream.”

Felicity laughed. “Seems that way. I’ll just fetch the bags from the kitchen.”

Before she could move, I captured her hand in mine and pressed her against the wall in the hallway.

“Oh, no you don’t,” I growled, pressing against her. “Not until I’ve grabbed you for a kiss.”

I pressed my mouth against hers. She pulled me closer, whimpering, our mouths locked together. My erection grew. I rubbed it against her soft body while she moaned some more. Things were getting heated, and she put her hands on my chest, moving me away.

“Oh, God. What are you doing to me?”

Her voice was shaky, cheeks red, her lips full. I’d never seen her look so hot.

“I can’t seem to help myself around you, Red. You’re so fucking sexy it hurts. Look what you’ve done to me.”

Her eyes went to my crotch and widened.

“Are you two coming? Dolly’s getting impatient.” Toby’s voice came from the path.

“Trying to,” I declared in a whisper, eyes on Fliss.

“We’ll be out in a minute,” Fliss called, her voice breathless.

I decided we needed a little distance between us, so I got the wheelchair and headed outside. Turning around once, I saw her still leaning against the wall, eyes wide. Before I relented and went in for round two, I left.

* * *


It happened again. One look from Luke and that was all it took to end up almost dry humping in my aunt’s hall. My body was burning for him. I needed to calm it down, go for the drink, and see where this was leading. Whether it was just a crazy moment of lust, or if there was anything deeper. After collecting the bags from the kitchen table, I locked up and went to the car. Aunt Doll sat in the front seat, making it easier for her to get in and out. For that, I was relieved. It put a little more distance between Luke and me.

“Are you all right, dear?” Aunt Doll frowned at me in the rear-view mirror.

“I’m fine, why?”

She studied me again. “You look flushed. I hope you’re not coming down with something.

“It’s warm, that’s all.”

My eyes flitted to Luke’s, and he looked at me in the mirror. His lips quirked in the smallest of smiles, and was that a quick wink I saw?

No, Aunt Doll, I’m not well. I’ve just been ravished in your hallway by the sexy guy driving this car.

While we unloaded the car, a wicked thought came to me. Perhaps Luke and I could slope off for a quickie somewhere on the lottie later. Stella seemed to manage it. I dismissed the thought. Today, I needed to focus on my aunt. Tomorrow, we could discuss this thing between us.