Page 19 of Love at the Lottie


Fliss was just full of surprises. This little firecracker had so many complex layers that I found it hard to keep up. Evil witch, nurse, now party organiser. Not bad for someone who was a computer nerd and hid in the comfort of her own home like a hermit. Funny how she’d not worn any weird clothing since that fluorescent green tracksuit she had worn the first time I saw her. The glasses had disappeared too. Don’t get me wrong, I was sure there was still a seething volcano just bubbling beneath the surface. I certainly didn’t want to be the one to set it off. It did have me wondering if she was that fiery in the bedroom, though. Hell, that was one place I’d love to growl the name Red in her ear to see what reaction I got. My dick twitched at that thought. Down, boy.

I’d had a shower and shoved all my clothes in the washing machine. The stench of Stella’s perfume still hung about. I hoped Fliss didn’t think there was something going on between us. But then, why should I care what she thought? I groaned and ran a hand over my head. This woman was an enigma. Like with my number-crunching, I loved to solve a puzzle. Perhaps I’d eventually get to the bottom of her story.

Toby had called me just as I’d got in from the lottie. He’d also been invited to Dolly’s and asked if I could give him a lift. He wasn’t too keen on late-night driving, and I was always happy to help him any way I could.

After ringing the doorbell at Dolly’s house, we waited. I was shocked by Toby’s next statement.

“It’s like going on a double date, isn’t it?”

Was that a nervous chuckle coming from him?

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” I asked and indicated to the bouquet of spring flowers, freshly cut from his plot that afternoon.

“What? No, sorry. Just a joke.”

Then why were the tips of his ears glowing red? Perhaps he had a secret crush on Dolly. And as for adding Fliss and me into the equation. Not. Ever. Happening.

The door opened, and my heart just about leapt from my body, my veins sang as my blood heated up, and my dick, well, it needed to calm the heck down.

Fliss stood there wearing a deep blue tight-fitting jumper, with a matching skirt that hung just above the knees. The most beautiful thing about her? Her glorious red hair, which hung in wild waves down her back. Her eyes glowed and there was that pretty blush adorning her cheeks. No make-up, just a smidge of lip gloss. Stunning. A million miles away from Stella the cougar.

“Hi. Come on in,” she said in a breathy voice.

Was she as turned on as me? I walked past her, attempting not to sniff her neck to catch more of her soft perfume. Dolly stood in the doorway to the lounge, resting on her crutches. Toby made short work of going to her, kissing her cheek, and handing her the flowers. She blushed and… did she just flutter her eyelashes at him?

“They’re beautiful. Thank you, Toby.”

“I cut them fresh today,” he said with pride in his voice.

He followed her through to the living room. Fliss had shut the front door but was staring after them, a quizzical expression on her face.

“What just happened?” she asked me, brows knitted together.

“I have absolutely no idea. They’ve never acted like schoolkids with a crush before.”

A sweet, soft smile captured her lips, eyes staring off wistfully after the older couple.

“I haven’t either, but it’s cute, right?” A smile tugged at my lips.

“Hmm, yeah, it is. I think it’s sweet.”

“You look pretty.” The words were out before I could stop them.

Her neck turned pink, the colour slowly creeping up towards her face. It looked like she’d just been fucked. My dick jumped. Again.

Oh, please, just stop it.

“Thank you. You look good too, for a number cruncher,” she teased.

I was so glad she made a joke out of it because the heat was getting a little too intense.

“Come on. Dinner will be ready soon.”

I followed her in, and soon we were tucking into a delicious home-made chicken and mushroom pie with vegetables. We ate in the small dining room at the back of the house.

I put my cutlery on my empty plate and sighed in contentment. “That was delicious.”