Page 35 of Love at the Lottie


Ididn’t sleep much that night. My mind was too wired thinking about Fliss and our fun in the shed. She was such a sexy woman and very vocal when in the throes of passion. I could still hear her moans. Still smell her scent all over me. I’d meant what I said when I told her I wanted her in my bed. Although I was as gentle as I could be in such a setting, I wanted to shower her body with so much more. She didn’t seem to mind shed sex, though.

We were meeting up later to have our chat, which I saw now as a date. Unlike Marcus who fucked then left, I wanted to know more about this woman. I couldn’t treat someone with such disrespect. Call me old-fashioned, but that’s the way I am. She’d offered to pick me up. I was going to protest, although I understood that she felt more comfortable this way. I’d drive the next time.

There was a knock at my door. I was surprised to see Marcus standing there, a wild expression on his face.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He was rough and unshaven. He was always so well turned out. Something must have really ruffled his feathers.

“You have no fucking idea. I need a drink. The strong stuff, not beer.”

He strode past me, and I watched while he searched out my malt whisky, the one I only drank occasionally because it was so expensive. He poured me one, and then one for himself. He downed it in one and then refilled his glass.

“Okay, bro, that’s enough.” I took the bottle away from him. “What’s wrong you? Don’t tell me you’ve caught an STI.”

He slugged his second glass and slammed it down on the table with a loud thud. I winced, praying it didn’t smash as they were expensive crystal tumblers.

“No, it’s fucking ten times worse than that. So, I get a woman on my doorstep.”

“Nothing new there.” I laughed.

“This isn’t funny. She said we hooked up two years ago. She had a kid with her, pointed to him and said, ‘he’s yours’. I mean what the fuck, man? I couldn’t even remember her.” He groaned and ran a hand through his hair.

“What did I tell you about being sensible and keeping it in your pants? First thing you need to do is get a paternity test.”

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Anyway, she’s demanding money and support from me. I don’t think I can do this. Jesus, what the hell am I going to do, Luke?”

He was my best mate, so I stopped myself from saying he had it coming.

“Look, get the paternity test sorted, then we’ll take it from there.”

“I will. Thanks, Luke.”

I glanced at my watch.

“You got somewhere to be? I thought we could go out and get wasted.”

There would’ve been a time I’d have dropped everything for him. Not this time.

“Sorry, I have plans.” I didn’t want to tell him anything else.

“So what, it’s hos before bros now?”

“Come on, Marcus. That’s unfair. I’ve always been there for you. This time, I can’t. Look, get the paternity test arranged and we’ll talk about it more then.”

He didn’t seem too pleased, but he let it drop. “Sure. I’ll let you know when it’s done.”

He strode from the house. Marcus’s attitude pissed me off a little if I was honest. I’d always been his wingman and lied for him when he needed an alibi, or when some woman was looking for him. Now I thought about it, when had he ever fully supported me?

* * *


My nerves were on edge as I thought about what I’d wear that evening. I was still reeling from our hot shed sex last night. I’d never been one to be daring, but it seemed where Luke was concerned, I’d become brave. He was gentle and a little rough at the same time. Honestly, I couldn’t wait until we were alone together. Somewhere safe where we could explore each other’s bodies a little more. The thought excited and aroused me.

“You’re looking flushed this morning. Your eyes are bright too. Does this have something to do with Luke?” my aunt asked as we sat eating breakfast.

“It does. I can’t wait to see him again.” The excited butterflies disappeared, and my tummy churned.