Page 17 of Love at the Lottie

“Cheers, Toby. I’ll be right over. Excuse me, Stella.” I shook her arm away from my bicep and strode as quickly as I could over to Toby.

“Thanks, mate. You’re a lifesaver.”

“That woman should be banned from here. I think the only reason she hasn’t been already is because Gordon’s been seen coming out of her shed in a state of disarray.”

“Oh, God, no. Surely they’re… nope, I’m not going to go there.” The thought of those to ‘at it’ was cringeworthy.

“Perhaps we could use this to get rid of the pair of them. I mean, some of the plots are owned by schools and charity groups for people with disabilities. It’s totally inappropriate behaviour.”

Toby murmured his agreement. “Perhaps we should discuss it with those we trust on here.”

“Yes, you’re right.”

“Hi, how’s the toe doing?”

Fliss’s sweet voice instantly brought me peace. I turned to see her strolling down the plot towards us. There was a high blush on her cheeks. She wore jeans and a t-shirt, looking sexy.

“It’s doing well, thanks to my nurse.”

“I heard about that.” Toby chuckled beside me. “How did you manage to hit your toe?”

My cheeks heated. I was thinking about having sex with Red. No way was I going to implicate Fliss in my accident.

“Just took my eye off the ball, or spade, for a minute. I won’t be doing it again.”

“I’m glad you’re both here, I have news. And I need help.”

Her pretty, full lips curved into a delicious smile.

* * *

* * *


I’d seen a woman grab Luke by the arm. He didn’t appear too happy about it, either. My warped mind was happy about that. Then I saw Toby grab a packet of seeds and call out to Luke. I made a mental note to ask my aunt about the woman when I got home. For now, I needed their help.

“So, what can we do for you?”

I grinned at Toby, who was always ready and willing to help.

“My aunt wants to come to the next lottie get-together. I tried to stop her, but you know how she is.” I lifted my shoulder.

They laughed.

“Oh, yes. The most stubborn woman I know.” Toby chuckled and rubbed his chin.

“Is she using crutches? It could be dangerous on this bumpy ground.”

“No, Luke. That’s the one condition I put in place. I said she’d have to use a wheelchair. I don’t think she was very happy, but I said it’s the only way I’d allow her to come.”

Toby threw back his head and roared with laughter. “I love it. Beaten at her own game. Good for you, Fliss.”

“Well, she’s doing great so far, and I don’t want her to have any relapses.”

“It’s next Saturday, right?” Luke had pulled out his phone to check the date.

“Yes. Look, I know she usually organises these little soirees, and she’s given me a list. I’m not the best at these, um… events.”