Page 15 of Love at the Lottie


Iheaded straight for the shower when I got back to my aunt’s. I was dirty and sweaty, and I couldn’t wait to get under a too-hot shower to wash it all away. I sneaked a look in the living room first; my aunt was sound asleep, so I crept upstairs.

After stripping out of my dirty clothing, I put the shower setting up to as hot as I could bear it and stood underneath for a couple of minutes. After I’d soaped and rinsed myself, I wrapped up in a soft towel and sat on my bed.

My initial thoughts strayed dangerously towards Luke. He’d seemed different with me today. No sarcasm, no heated words, and I liked that side of him. He actually made me feel at ease, but also edgy. I put the edgy part down to not having sex for quite some time. I’d left all my toys at home while I stayed with my aunt. I didn’t think she’d want to hear buzzing sounds while I came, screaming. Perhaps I’d pop home for a couple of hours playtime; I could make the excuse that I needed to get some more clothes or work-related stuff.

Luke’s friend who came to pick him up was so cocky and confident. The way he eyed me was full-on; he obviously enjoyed dicking around with women. I could see it clearly on his face. He made no attempt to hide the way he studied me. My eyes had flitted to Luke, and he’d seemed less than impressed with his friend’s behaviour. They’d spoken in low voices, and each time I happened to glance their way, Luke was watching me.

I’d always been one to overthink things, and I shook my head. For all I knew, they were making fun of me, but I didn’t think so. I slipped on my pjs and headed downstairs just in time to hear my aunt moving around. She turned when she heard me enter the room and smiled widely at me. I went to her and hugged her close.

“Hey, Aunt Doll. You look happy today.”

“You look happy too. There’s a spring in your step. Care to tell me why?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll tell you what, you do the exercises the physio gave you, then I’ll make you a cup of tea and we’ll talk.”

“Good. I have something to tell you too.”

I wasn’t certain whether I liked the impish twinkle in her eye, but I’d play along.

“So, I played nurse to the man who’s driven me round the bend since I got to the lottie. He seemed different today.” I shrugged, putting her mug down on her little side table.

I watched my aunt sip her tea, deep in thought. She placed the cup and saucer back down on the table beside her. She loved her delicate porcelain. It wasn’t in her nature to be a snob; she was the most down to earth person I knew, but she did think drinking tea from mugs was vulgar, for some reason.

“There’s something you probably don’t know about Luke.”

I snickered. “I think there’s a lot I don’t know where he’s concerned.”

“No, love. This is serious. He was jilted by his fiancée.”

I almost choked on my tea. “Really? Like, at the altar jilted?”

“Is there any other kind?”

“No, I guess not. How long ago was that?”

“Two or three years, maybe? But you mustn’t mention I told you. It’s still a sensitive subject,” my aunt confided.

“Of course. I understand.”

“And like you, she’s a redhead. Possibly, although I know it’d be unfair, that’s why he’s been off with you.”

I lifted my brows. “Hmm, yes. That would make a lot of sense, I guess.”

“Anyway.” She patted my knee. “What tales do you have to tell from the lottie? Has Gordon kept away from you?”

I smirked. “Oh, yes. I think I scared him with my outburst on day one. I was mean, though.”

“Ah, well, don’t worry. It’s about time someone put him in his place. Anything else? What’s this about looking after Luke? What did he do?”

“He hit his toe with a spade. One of his friends came to pick him up afterwards. There was no way he could’ve driven home with a swollen toe.”

Her wise blue eyes bored through me.

I held up my hands. “I know that look. I was just helping out someone in pain. It doesn’t mean we’ll get close or anything.”

“It’s not that. I’ve never known him to be accident-prone. I’m surprised you didn’t laugh.”