Page 4 of Daddy’s Dare

"That was amazing, Summer, and I hope you enjoyed yourself." I need to let her know I enjoyed it as much as she did.

She nods with a small smile but looks unsure of what to do next.

"Princess," I say and wait until her eyes are back on me. "I dare you to meet me here again tomorrow night. Same time."

Once again, she nods.

My protective instincts kick in because I can tell she’s ready to leave when she looks toward the door."You drive here?"

"My roommate did. She is getting a ride back later."

"Let me walk you to your car." I stand and take her hand.

"Oh, you don't have to do that." She tries to pull her hand from mine.

"I know I don't. But I want to. I need to make sure you’re safe. That hasn't changed. Nothing has to change between us, Summer. We can forget tonight if you want and never mention it again." It’s the last thing I want, but I offer it to her anyway. It’s the right thing to do for her and for Gemma.

She lets me lead her to the locker area, and I wait for her to get her things and join me back in the hall. Then I walk her out to her car.

"I don't want to forget tonight happened," she says as she turns to me.

"Good, neither do I." I place a soft kiss on her lips and stand back to let her in her car.

After watching her leave, I head home to take care of myself, even though I'm sure my cock wants nothing to do with my hand after having the real thing tonight.

I can't wait to see if she shows up tomorrow.

Chapter 3


I wake up to the smell of French toast and bacon and know before I even open my eyes that Skye is buttering me up for the details from last night. I knew there was no way of getting around it, and I do need to talk about it to someone. No one else knows I was there last night.

I have no idea what time she got home last night because I was already asleep. Now she’s up before me, so I know she wants the details, and there’s no way around having the conversation.

I take my time getting ready. I didn't want to wash the night off me, but I took a shower last night. Now my hair is a crazy mess, so I toss it up before going out to find food and coffee waiting for me at the breakfast bar.

Skye is in the kitchen making the last of the French toast.There’s homemade blueberry syrup and whipped cream, indicating she’s pulled out all the stops. I take a few sips of coffee while Skye plates the last of the food and gives me a knowing glance. She’s silent as she works, but the moment her butt hits the chair, she starts with the questions.

"So, what happened? Did you meet someone? Were you able to see the rooms upstairs? Did you go down the Voyeur Hall? See anything you like? Please tell me you didn't bolt the moment I left you."

"I didn't make it out of the main sitting area." Taking my first bite of food, I enjoy how it melts in my mouth.

Skye sighs out loud, and her happiness dies like a balloon deflating. I almost feel bad."Oh, why not?"

"Because I ran into Gemma's dad."

"Knox? Oh, man, how weird was it?" She’s right back into excitement overdrive.

Skye is the one girl who knows how I feel about Knox. I had to tell her so she understood why I didn't want to go over there so much and why Gemma was always over here.

"It wasn't too weird until I was sitting on his lap, and he had me coming in front of everyone there."

"What?" She drops her fork and stares at me with her jaw hanging open.

I've never seen Skye so shocked, and I take a moment to enjoy it.

She listens to my every word without interrupting me. I tell her everything, mostly because I need another opinion.