Page 14 of Daddy’s Dare

I don't care if she did. Summer needs someone to talk to, and Gemma has always been that for her. I don't want their relationship to change, as weird as it might get at times. Summer loves my daughter for who she is, and that’s a big part of what drew me to her.

Growing up, Gemma would make friends only to find out they wanted something from her because of the money associated with my family name. They tossed her aside when they realized we didn't spend money and lived a modest life.

Later, she made friends who dropped her for silly things like they didn't have the same taste in music or her blue hair was too wild. Her hair is her natural color now, but Summer is the only one who still supports Gemma no matter how crazy her ideas are.

Gemma cringes again. "Summer told me a lot. But not everything. We decided certain... ugh, details could go unsaid. But we have very few secrets, so yeah, she told me all the important stuff."

I can't help but laugh. We’ve always been close but never close enough to talk about my love life, much less my sex life, and we don't talk about hers either.I know when she lost her virginity and to who, but the information flow stops there.

"If this ends badly, I'm screwed. You’re my dad, and she's my best friend. Actually, she might as well be my sister at this point. I won't choose sides despite what I led her to believe, and you’ll have to be okay with that.”

"It's not going to end badly. I plan to marry her as soon as I can get her to agree. How do you feel about that?" I cross my arms and lean against the dining room table, watching her.

Gemma falls silent for a moment, and I appreciate the thought she’s putting into her answer, even if I hate to wait for an answer.

"Honestly, I feel better about you marrying her than I do about marrying Dustin."

I don't say anything. I don't need to because that speaks volumes. But it’s a decision she has to make herself. I know we'll be okay when she walks over and gives me a hug.

Before she heads upstairs, she turns back to me."Give her time to get her head around all this. She’ll come to you, but be patient."

"How can you be sure?" I ask uncertainly.

"Because I'm the one person who knows her better than you do." She smiles and goes upstairs.

Gemma’s right. I try to be patient, but my mind is on Summer. I can't work, check social media, or concentrate long enough to read. Nothing on TV helps either.

Gemma makes dinner and talks to me to try to take my mind off it, but she finally gives up and pays attention to her phone. Even though I try to eat, my stomach rejects all food.

After helping clean up the kitchen, I decide enough is enough. I'm going to go after her. No sooner have I decided than my phone pings with a text.

Summer: Come find me.

The photo attached is the outside Club Red.

"I'm going out!" I yell to Gemma and run to my room to get dressed.

"Bring her home, Dad."

"That's the plan. Can't promise it won't be awkward."

"I'll make breakfast." She winks, and I head out.

In record time, I’m at the club. I can't take my phone inside, so I go in, hoping to find her at the bar. No such luck. Scanning the main room, I spot the girl she was here with the other night, her roommate Skye.

I walk up to her."Hey, where’s Summer?"

Skye smiles and doesn't hide that she's checking me out."Now that would be cheating. I will say you’re not on the right floor, though." She turns back to the man she was talking to.

I run for the stairs, not bothering with the elevator, checking the second-floor lounge and each playroom. On my right are the themed playrooms and on my left are the rooms people rent out or leave open for others to join. I check all that aren’t closed off.

I find her in one of the empty rooms on my left, strapped to a St. Andrew’s Cross, naked.I close the door and windows because she’s only for me."Who strapped you up here, Princess?"


I remove my shoes and shirt as I admire her stretched out on the cross, open and ready for me. Her nipples are hard, and I can tell she's wet for me, even from across the room in low light.

"And what was your plan if someone else walked into the room?"