Page 1 of Daddy’s Dare

Chapter 1


I don't get out much. My roommate’s solution? Dragging me out to Club Red, a sex club. We read many of the same books, which in her head translates to me loving this club as she does.

But I have to admit I am interested. I mean, how can I not be? After all, I read about these things in my books, yet to go to one in person? A completely different ball game.

This is so far outside my comfort zone that I can't even see my comfort zone from here. But I must admit that the whole club's idea excites me. Which is why I let her dress me up in this skintight black dress I swear is no more than a slip from under another dress.

It barely covers my ass, and it makes my breasts pop. I can't wear a bra, but it’s supposed to have a built-in one, which is nothing more than an extra layer of fabric. She promises I can wear her long sweater over it, which will only make me stick out even more in the hot Chicago summer.

As we stand outside the door of what looks like a warehouse, I second guess myself. I trust Skye, and we were friends for years before becoming roommates, but we’re different people. I have so many “what ifs” floating around in my head. What if I want to leave and can't find her? What if I hate it?

"Take a deep breath,” Skye says. “You can leave at any time. Here are my car keys, so if you want to leave early, I'll catch a ride. I know plenty of people here."

Skye has always been good at reading my mind, especially when it starts to spin out of control. It's why we fit even though we’re so different.

Taking another deep breath, I take the keys from her and step through the glass door you can't see from the street. I have no idea what I expected, but the clean, bright lobby we step into isn't it.It looks like any other lobby in any other waiting room across the country. You would never know that on the other side of the big leather double doors sits one of Chicago's most notorious BDSM clubs.

Skye knows the receptionist, but I don't hear much while they chat. Skye takes the paperwork from my hand she had me fill out before we came. She's sponsoring me for a thirty-day guest membership, which means we had to get a doctor's physical, an STD test, proof I'm on birth control and fill out a series of consent and liability forms.

I look over the rules form. Don’t interrupt other people's scenes. Stop doesn't mean stop; red means stop. There are plain-clothed monitors everywhere and marked security. Paragraphs detail what to do if a scene goes wrong. The consequences for breaking the rules and everything in between are clearly stated.

As weird as it sounds, the paperwork makes me feel calmer about the whole situation. The lady at the desk takes my ID and photo and, a few minutes later, hands me my discreet membership card. It's a deep red with the word “membership” at the top and a member number. On the back is a barcode with no mention of the club, nor is my name included.

"All right, let me give you the grand tour,” Skye says. “You can find the restrooms and locker rooms through that door, but you can also get there from the main floor. The club office is down this hall."

I follow her while she puts our stuff in her locker and shows me the code, the same one on our alarm at home.

"But now on to the main event," Skye continues as we walk back into the lobby and up to the big double doors at the end.

The security guys on either side open them for us, but neither speaks. Instead, they nod hello to Skye.

I’m not prepared for the room we step into. It has an old warehouse feel with the black cement floors in the wide-open space.

"There's a two-drink maximum, but you can get all the water you need, and they have finger food snacks at the bar." Skye points to our right at the massive bar with at least twenty barstools sitting around it.

In front of us is the largest sectional couch I've ever seen. It can easily hold twenty people. Large ottomans are scattered between the sectional and the bar, big enough to hold five people lying down—more if everyone is sitting up.

The seating area is decorated in black leather with red accents. The lights are low, and as my eyes adjust, I see a stage beyond the sitting area where people are performing.

"The archway to the left of the bar leads to the voyeur hall, where all sorts of different themed rooms are located. If the curtains are open, you’re free to watch. The second floor has more themed and private rooms. Again, if the curtains are open, youcan watch. But there's also a more intimate lounge setting, which you can see from below." Skye points up to the row of glass above us.

It's almost like a hotel lobby where you look up and see the row of rooms, except there's no hallway, only walls of glass up to three stories.

"What's on the third floor?" I ask, staring up at the glass walls.

"Those are the VIP suites. They're the ones who pay every month to have a private suite. You can't get there unless you're invited, so only worry about the first and second floors. Now let's get you a drink because trust me, you’ll need one."

Skye tucks a strand of long curly hair behind her ear and steers me toward the bar, where she orders us a drink.

Now my eyes have adjusted, I turn and stare at the huge space again. Couples are scattered everywhere, many without clothes. On one of the ottomans, a man has a woman held down with one hand and is playing with her under her skirt with the other. The sight turns me on. It’s like watching a live porno, but much sexier.

"I see you found something you like. You can watch anyone out here. You can join in only if they ask, but they won't be offended if you don't. Text me before you leave. I’m going to go meet a friend." Skye grins and heads off toward the stage at the back of the room.

I scan the room again, and a woman on the couch catches my eye. She offers me a smile as her man is on his knees with his head between her thighs.The sight makes me hot, and it’s right in the open. Trying to get relief from the tingling in my core, I sit on one of the bar stools.
