“So...bold. So courageous.” He shrugged. “But now I think about it, I did. Sort of.” He grinned and gave her a gentle kiss. “I thought you were a good girl.”

“You know I am not.”

He fixed her with a look. “One moment does not change who you are, Demeter, no matter what Society will tell you. It cannot take away the goodness of your soul or the kindness of your heart. And you, sweeting, are the kindest, goodest woman I know.”


“You know what I am saying.”

“I do and it’s sweet of you.”

“Damn it. I’m not trying to be sweet. Just honest.”

She smiled softly and brushed his hair from his eyes. “It’s sweet nonetheless.”

“You make me want to...” He waved a hand in the air. “Tell you everything. Spill my heart.” He met her gaze. “I’ve never wanted to do that before.”

“You mean you have more secrets?”

“None. You’ve taken them all from me. But that’s beside the point.” He stroked her cheek with a finger. “I never want another secret from you again.”

She held back a sigh. He meant it all. He really did. How many other women had heard such things in the moment? No wonder they all wanted more from him. She knew he could be charming. but this verged on the ridiculous. She’d been in love with him, always, but never this in love, never truly, properly. She had loved an idea of him.

Now she loved, well, him.

Yes, she’d wanted to be bold, but this was getting ridiculous. She rolled onto her back again. Now how many panels were there again?

“I don’t like it, if that helps.”

She glanced at him. Had it been terrible? And if so, why were they still cuddling like an old married couple? “You do not like what?”

“The fact you were with another man.” She opened her mouth, and he pressed a finger to it. “I know, I cannot say a word. It is entirely hypocritical of me, and, believe me, I am annoyed at myself, but with you...I find I hate the thought of it. I want to find him and call him out for what he did to you.”

Itwashypocritical, yet it touched her that he was even aware of that. “Sometimes, I want to as well.”

“I hope you know that I have never made false promises to a woman to sway her into bed.”

“I know.” Why would he? He didn’t need to. His looks and charm were enough to get any woman in his bed.

“I hope you know I love you.”

“I know.” She tried to wriggle out from his hold.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to leave before the day grows too late and people notice I am missing.”

“Or you could stay.” Blake shifted over her, effectively pinning her with his body.

A spark of desire flared through her and she wished she could stare at the ceiling again. Anything would be better than seeing him, all naked and wonderful and hers for the taking. If she let herself, she would stay and where would they end up? Making love again? Speaking of love again? She wasn’t certain her heart could take it.

“I cannot stay,” she reminded him. “I have to be home before anyone notices I am gone. If it is known I was here for long, Anton will most certainly call you out.”

“That’s fine.”

“No, it is not! You could die. Or he could die. It would be awful.”

“Well, I shall just marry you.” He grinned. “Then we can always be in bed together. Like this.”