She tilted her head and narrowed her gaze at him. “You really believe you do, do you not?”
Considering he had fought the feeling for quite some time, he was utterly certain now. And if her necklace was anything to go by, she loved him in return. Unless she had some secret lover somewhere, in which case, he was definitely going to end up in a duel.
“I’m not in the habit of lying to myself.”
She chewed on her bottom lip and because it had been far too long since he’d tasted her, he captured her face in his hands, and kissed her.
If his words would not prove it, perhaps his actions would.
She gasped, laced her hands around his neck, and opened her mouth to him. Tremors shook her limbs but he hoped it was from his kiss and not fear anymore. She tasted sweet, as though she had been eating fruit earlier that day, and her tongue twined with his with more passion than he could have ever expected from an innocent woman.
But when had Demeter ever done what he expected of her? It was one of the many reasons he loved her.
Cupping her neck, he leaned into her, pressing her back against the sofa. She fit perfectly against him and his cock strained against his clothes. He kissed her again, firmly, hotly, then eased back.
“You should go home, sweeting,” he said gruffly, unable to let her go fully. “Much more kissing you and I’ll—” He moved back, even though it hurt him to do so, and shoved a hand through his hair. “I’ll have the carriage come around. You’re not walking home alone.” He took her hand briefly. “We’ll decide what to do about Foster soon, I promise. I just need…” He gestured vaguely.
Needed to not be tempted by her. Needed a few moments to grasp the enormity of his own confession, let alone the fact she loved him in return. He had to figure out his next steps. For once in his life, his instincts were leading him nowhere.
She pressed her lips together for a few moments then nodded. There would be time to kiss her later, he assured himself. Properly. In a gentlemanly fashion.
And then he’d persuade her to make this fake engagement real.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Every thud of her heart felt hard, sickening. Blake loved her.
She blinked in the daylight outside of his house, as though she had been cloaked in darkness, in their own secret world of confessions of love. He was right. She should leave. Yet…
Demeter stilled, foot upon the steps up to the carriage, hand in Blake’s. She twisted to look at him and a crease appeared between his brows.
“No,” she whispered, placed her foot upon the pavement and turned to head back into the house before he could stop her.
He called her name and followed her all the way past a perplexed butler and into the drawing room. Her pulse thudded so hard she felt it in her fingertips. How could she leave after such a confession? How could she return home and pretend everything was normal? She’d been seeking excitement this Season and here it was, in the form of Blake, but her fear was getting the better of her.
No longer. She nodded toward the door. “Shut it,” she commanded softly.
He did as she bid, the frown still in place.
She didn’t know if his love for her wouldn’t last past today. Hers would always endure. If she had been willing to take this leap with a practical stranger, why would she not with Blake? To love him for so long had been heartache anyway. She simply could not walk away—not without knowing.
“Is something wrong?”
“Well, what can I do to fix it?” He took a step toward her, the determination in his expression making her smile.
She held up a hand. “Stay there.”
“Stay here?”
“Yes.” She shook her head. “No. Go there.” She motioned to the sofa.
“Go there? Demeter...?”