“Did they hurt her?” he demanded.

Eleanor shook her head. “They pushed poor Archibald. He had quite a knock to the head. Though goodness knows what they might do to Demeter.” She wrapped her arms about her waist. “If only I had not been in the lamp room.”

“If only I had not been outside,” Aunt Sarah said tightly. “I would have shown those blackguards what happens when you mess with my girls.”

“I am grateful none of you were here,” he said gravely, tightening his hold on the note. “These menaredangerous.”

And he was a fool for leaving Demeter alone. He should have trusted his instincts and never let her out of his sight. He could have persuaded Anton to let him stay or hell, have slept at the damned door if needs be.

“So youdoknow them?” Chastity narrowed her gaze at him.

“I know who they are, and I know how to find them, but they are not trying to get to me.” He grimaced. “I’m afraid my cousin has brought this to your doorstep.”

“I’ll kill him with my bare hands if anything happens to her,” Chastity said.

Despite being a head smaller than himself and with a rounded belly, he rather suspected Demeter’s sister might succeed if she tried.

“If anything happens to her, I’ll kill him myself,” he assured her. “Do you have a horse mounted? I came in the barouche.”

Cassie nodded. “I rode over here as soon as I received word. I did not come far so she’ll take you wherever you need and quick. Just find Demeter…”

“I’ll bring her home,” he assured the women before marching to the stables and finding the horse still saddled. It took him minutes to reach his cousin’s but it was minutes too long. He barged into his cousin’s house before the butler could open the door fully.

“Foster!” he shouted, his voice echoing off the high ceilings.

“I-if you will just wait a moment, sir,” the butler stammered.


His cousin appeared in the hallway from the drawing room, his ever genial smile in place. “Blake, what a surprise.”

That smile made his body flare red hot. He covered the distance between them in mere seconds. “You did this.” He thrust the note at him, slamming it against his chest and forcing Foster to stagger back several steps. Fists curled at his sides, his breaths hot, Blake glowered down at his cousin.

With shaky movements, Foster unfurled the letter. He frowned and scanned the note. “What does it mean?”

“It means...” He drove a finger hard into his chest. “That the men you owe money to took Demeter.”

“L-Lady Demeter?” Foster’s eyes widened. “But why?”

“They think you are courting her. They already threatened her once.”

“Courting? Your engagement is public knowledge.” His lips twisted. “Though, the manner in which the whole matter was played out is entirely unsavory in my opinion. Lady Demeter deserves better.”

Blake had never wanted to pound someone into the ground as much as right now but he needed Foster.

“Whether she does or not, she’s in danger and it’s down to you.” Fists curled, Blake forced himself to breathe deeply. If he touched Foster like he wanted, he might not stop until the man was rendered senseless.

The ruddiness from Foster’s cheeks fled and sweat broke out on his upper lip. He straightened and tugged his waistcoat down. “I shall go and fetch her.”

“Fetch her?” Blake scoffed. “Do you really think they will let you simply stroll in and return her home? What about the money you owe them?”

His chin quivered. “I do not have it at present. I have been selling off—”

“My aunt’s possessions, I know,” he said coldly.

“But it wasn’t quite enough yet. I still need to—”

“The only thing you need to do is tell me where I can find them right now.”