“I am glad now.” She smiled tremulously when she peeled away her stays. “The experience with him was dull and nothing like I had anticipated.”

“I changed my mind. He’s worse than a bastard. The least he could have done was ensured your pleasure.”

“I agree.” She kicked off her shoes and set to work on her stockings. His gaze tracked her movement while she set a foot on a nearby stool and rolled each one down.

“If I were truly a gentleman, I would stop you.” His voice was strained. He tapped his fingers upon the back of the bedframe.

“I do not need a gentleman, Blake. I just need you.”

His protests ceased as she removed the rest of her clothes. Her limbs trembled and her breaths shuddered out of her. She stood in front of him, entirely naked, on offer. This had to be the boldest, the most terrifying thing she had ever done.

The most exciting too.

She took a step toward him.

“Why are you doing this?” he whispered, his gaze tracking slowly up her body to meet hers.

“Instinct,” she replied with a smile.


Shimmering daylight slipped through the windows, dusted her pale skin from behind. Blake swallowed hard, aware his mouth was so dry any words he uttered might come out as nonsense. He had to try, though.

Here she was, naked and offering herself up, all long, slender limbs, pert breasts, and trembling belly. He wanted to grab her and draw her to him, press his lips to her stomach and taste her skin but he feared breaking the moment, of her vanishing into a wisp because he must have conjured her surely?

She clasped her hands in front of her, shielding the shadows between her legs from his gaze while she eyed him from behind that waterfall of dark hair. He couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. Couldn’t believe how brave she was.

“I thought you were pretty,” he managed to say.

A shaky smile crossed her lips and she glanced to the floor.

“I was wrong.”

“Oh.” The smile vanished and her gaze shot to his, furrows upon her brow.

“You’re not pretty,” he said. “You are spectacular.”


“Effervescent. Magical. Radiant,” he continued. “You are so many things, sweeting.” He swallowed hard and held out a palm. “How can I be deserving of any of it?”

Demeter took his offered hand, and he pulled her close until she rested in the cradle of his thighs. He resisted briefly, then released her to curve his hands up and around her rear, sinking his fingers into cool flesh with a groan. She gasped when he urged her to him and gave in, kissing her belly, hips, and ribs.

Her fingers sifting through his hair. Each touch made his skin burn, his breaths hot in his chest.

“Perfect,” he whispered against her skin.

“Do n-not make me wait, Blake,” she begged. “I feel like I have waited forever for you.”

He felt the same. He’d spent a lifetime searching for her yet had never seen what was right in front of him, fool that he was.

Urging her to take a step back, he rose from the bed, and, meeting her gaze, slowly untied his cravat. With a smile, she aided him as the tangle of unending knots took far too long and then she helped him undress. She took her time, spreading her fingers across his chest, back, down the ridges of his stomach, and clasping him gently in her cool hands.

He sucked in a breath through his teeth and closed his eyes briefly. “If you touch me too much this shall be over before we start.”

When he shifted back onto the bed, she followed his lead, and he laid back against the soft cushions while she moved over him, settling her thighs around his. He was but a thrust away from joining them and he ground his teeth together in restraint. Whatever he did, he would not have this be some swift, desperate moment, no matter how urgently he wanted to be in her. Whatever he did, this had to be as special as she was.

The desire to smirk at himself pressed at his mouth. He furrowed his brow and clenched his mouth tight. He would not have her believing this situation amused him, because it didn’t. It made his heart pound, and his body throb, it made him feel as though nothing would be the same again which wasn’t really true, because it had already changed the moment he’d truly seen her that night at the gaming hell.