
Demeter stopped mid-step and sent an inquiring look her sister’s way.

Eleanor nodded down the street. “I do not like that man.”

She followed her sister’s gaze to Lord Ashford, strolling their way. Since she’d been spending more time with Blake, the viscount inevitably spent more time with all of them. They’d known Lord Ashford for as long as Blake and, actually, Demeter considered him a friend of sorts. Though they were not exactly close, he was polite and they engaged in mild conversation most Seasons.

“What has the poor man done?”

Eleanor ducked into the doorway of the foundling charity and motioned vigorously for Demeter to join her. “Quickly, or he shall spot us.”

Ashford gave them a wave and Demeter shrugged. “It’s too late.”

“Blast,” her sister said again.

“I s-still do not see—” Demeter smiled swiftly when Lord Ashford approached, stopping at the bottom of the steps to greet them with a tip of his hat.

“Lady Demeter, Lady Eleanor.” He flashed a genial smile. “How happily met.”

Demeter returned his warm smile but her sister remained in the doorway of the tall building, her lips pressed into a thin line. Eleanor’s social graces were about as good—or as bad—as her own, but it was unlike her to be openly rude. She stepped swiftly down the final steps to approach Lord Ashford. “Good afternoon, my lord.” She gestured frantically behind her and her sister slowly, reluctantly came to stand beside her.

“Lord Ashford,” she muttered.

Amusement twitched on his lips. Demeter eyed him for a few moments. Did he know the reason for her sister’s annoyance? If he did, apparently he did not mind it one jot. In fact, he seemed entertained by it, his gaze lingering on Eleanor.

“Have you been visiting the foundlings?” he asked, motioning to the building.

Demeter nodded. “I-I try to visit weekly but I have not had time recently...” She clamped her mouth shut when a knowing look entered Ashford’s eyes.

Because she’d been spending too much time with Blake, he finished silently for her.

“The fire quite devastated the girl’s wing. We are lucky no one was harmed,” she said swiftly. If he was thinking of the grim nature of fires and the risk to the children he would not be concentrating on her and Blake.

And then maybe she would not be thinking of Blake either.

And their kiss. And their engagement. And every second since then.

Or was that kisses?

The first one might not really count did it? It was so brief, even if it was interminably sweet. Her stomach gave a little swoop. The second one counted, though. Most definitely. His tongue, his body, his lips... She held back a sigh. The lethal combination left her in no doubt that had been a kiss—one she would never forget.

“I recall,” Lord Ashford said. “The rebuild is going well, though. They’re using the same fellow who helped with my Somerset estate.”

Eleanor blinked rapidly. “How would you know that?”

“I recommended him,” he replied nonchalantly.

A strange expression crossed her sister’s face.

When she didn’t respond, Demeter was forced to leap into the silence. These were strange days indeed when she was the most sociable sister. “What brings you here, Lord Ashford?

“I am visiting with the boys.” He gestured to the building. “They are not nearly as impressed with a viscount as I’d like but they listen to me and I hope I can be a good influence in some way.”

“You...visit...?” Eleanor repeated.


“Good influence?” her sister murmured, brows knitted.