His lips tilted. “I am starting to realize that whether I want you involved or not, you will find some way of including yourself.”

“Damned right.” She lifted her chin.

His grin widened. “You’re sweet when you curse.”

Well, that was annoying. She wasn’t going for sweet.

“But what happens when...” She waved a hand vaguely. “You are hardly going to want to follow through with it, are you?”

“Do not fear. I have no intention of forcing you into marriage with me.”

Her heart dropped a little. Silly, silly girl. Of course he did not. Why did sheexpectanything different? Even if her heart did not know it, her mind knew they were not a good match for one another. He had all this experience and confidence and she had...?

A penchant for clinging to walls and a stutter, she supposed. A love of flowers and dogs, and a hatred of attention. It was hardly going to be a love match, even if her heart longed for it.

The fact was, no matter how much she wished they could be together, she wasn’t going to marry someone who did not love her in return.

And her family—if Aunt Sarah’s reaction was anything to go by…

“Blake, this i-i-is...” She sank onto the nearest chair, allowing the cushions to cradle her suddenly weary body. Her heart hadn’t slowed since he’d dropped to one knee. “This is a mess. Why did you do that?”

“I told you...to protect you.”

She cocked her head. “I did not need protecting.”

“You saw my cousin’s change in behavior. And now he thinks the two of you should be together.” His mouth thinned into a grim line. “We do not need him watching you closely, Demeter. I truly think he could be dangerous. A man that can put on such an act simply has to be.”

“You know, you only have my word that he behaved so. You have never seen it for yourself.”

His lips curved. “It’s a good thing I trust you implicitly, sweeting.”

Demeter stared at him for a few moments, eyeing his open expression. The whole reason her mother had started the investigative society was because women were so often not trusted. Even hired investigators refused to take their word. Over the years, Demeter did not disagree with her mother. Time and again the words of women were doubted. Yet it never occurred to Blake to mistrust her. Despite the muddle they were in, she appreciated that about him.

“So when this is over...” She gestured between them with a finger.

“You can end things with me,” he said, as though it was the simplest suggestion in the world. “Your reputation will remain unscathed and people shall likely believe I was at fault.”

“You do not mind that people will assume the worst of you?”

He smirked. “People already do. A little additional gossip will not hurt.”

“And in the meantime...we pretend to be engaged.” She dropped her head into her hands. “This farce is not going to be easy to explain to anyone,” she muttered against her hands.

“Iamirresistible,” he reminded her.

She lifted her head slowly and tried to ignore the flash of a grin that made her grateful to be seated. “And I am a wallflower. No one shall understand why you asked me.”

Blake stepped over to her and dropped onto his haunches, then put a hand to her knee. “Everyone shall think me the cleverest man in all of London.”

She snorted.

“They shall be jealous that I saw what they did not. They shall all be eaten up inside that the prettiest woman in the world with the most glorious hair and the quickest mind said yes to me.” He flicked a finger over her nose. “Trust me. No one shall question it, sweeting.”

When she studied his expression, she saw no sign of a lie. That dimple quirked in his cheek and his full lips were temptingly close. If he was really her fiancé, she would have leaned in and kissed him. By some miracle, she held herself back. She believed him—no one would question it. But if she was not careful, she too might believe there was something more than a phony engagement occurring.


Blake slapped the book shut as Ashford marched into the drawing room, quicker than the butler could keep pace. He peered at his friend from his seat by the occasional table and grimaced. First his mother, now Ashford. The news of his engagement had spread quicker than anticipated.