“I—” Demeter’s gaze searched his. She gave the tiniest of shrugs. “Yes...?”

Aunt Sarah screamed. The cat leapt from the windowsill and barged past Blake. His heart gave a jolt so hard he wanted to demand smelling salts.

“Yes?” he repeated.

“I...suppose so?” Her eyes were wide and questioning. He didn’t blame her. Neither of them had anticipated such an action. He would have to think hard to make sense of it.

Blake rose from his knee and smiled. “Excellent.” He twisted to find Foster and Aunt Sarah practically upon his heels.

His cousin’s cheeks were redder than usual and his hard gaze belied a tight smile upon his lips. “I see I came at an opportune time. Congratulations, cousin. You could have told me of your intentions and I would not have invaded such a private moment.”

“Ah, well...” Blake looked at Demeter. “It was not exactly planned but—”

“When one is in love, one can never plan such things.” Aunt Sarah grabbed his face and kissed him on each cheek. “Dear handsome boy, you will be most welcome in this family.”

He met Demeter’s uncertain gaze and gave her an apologetic smile. He’d dragged them both into something entirely unplanned and he wasn’t certain he could blame his instincts this time. Around Demeter, they did not seem to work properly at all.

Chapter Twenty

“You know, I think the newly engaged couple could do with a moment alone.”

Demeter nodded vigorously as her aunt dragged Mr. Foster away. Slowly, she moved her attention from the empty doorway to Blake. He had scarcely moved since rising from one knee and his usually sun-kissed skin had a pale look to it.

“W-why did you just do that?” she hissed. “Why?”

“Well, it was—”

“If you say instinct, I might well hurl this vase at your head.” She gestured toward the glass vase upon the bureau to her right.

He grimaced. “You did not have to say yes.”

“You wanted me to!” she protested. “I saw it in your eyes.”

He shoved a hand through his hair and nodded. “I did.” He glanced around the empty room and moved closer.

Her heart gave a silly, foolish skip. He’d proposed out of instinct and for some reason unknown to her yet. She’d given him the answer he wanted but as foolish as her heart was, she recognized his sudden action as one of necessity. She just could not quite fathom why he’d done it. As foolish as she was when it came to her feelings for Blake, she was not stupid enough to believe he genuinely wanted to wed her.


“My cousin—”

“I was never going to say yes and you know that.”

“Yes. Indeed.” He nodded. “Absolutely.”

“So why?”

Blake swept a hand through his hair again, leaving it in disarray. She wanted to press her fingers through the strands and feel the softness for herself. As a fiancée, surely she was at liberty to do so? Except none of this was real. It just couldn’t be.

“Demeter—” He blew out a breath. “Foster is more dangerous than we fear. I’m certain of it.”

“So you wished to protect me?”

She folded her arms. Some sort of protection. Now she felt more exposed and fragile than ever. She was officially engaged to the man she’d loved for far too long. It could only end in disaster, surely?

“Yes,” he said swiftly, color returning to his cheeks as though relieved to have any answer. “And, think on it, if we are engaged, it will make it much easier for us to talk with one another on the investigation.”

“I thought you did not want me involved.”