“Everything,” he said in low tones.

Chapter Six


He could have little idea how much Demeter longed to blurt it all out. To spill all her secrets to someone. Anyone.

Most specially Blake.

Lying to her sisters—or at least hiding things—didn’t sit well with her, but she knew how they’d react if she confessed to her nighttime activities. She’d witnessed Chastity’s reaction to Cassie when she’d become involved in a dangerous investigation last year. Their investigative society, originally put together by their late-mother to help other women, was usually involved in simple matters like stolen items, but Cassie had wound up tangling with greedy criminals who had threatened them all.

And while her oldest sister acted as a surrogate mother to them all she could do without being scolded at her age. Besides, the last thing she wanted to do was worry Chastity whilst so close to her baby’s birth. She worried enough about them all as it was.

There was also the matter of her feelings toward Blake—feelings that were welling to the surface at present. How could they not when he stood so close, all handsome and dressed to perfection. Each breath she tried to take felt like it was being stolen from her and she had to fight to draw it in. The scent of sandalwood and fresh night air clung to him, making her feel faint. It took all her strength not to grip his arms and beg him to hold her.

He wanted to know everything. Of course, he didn’t really mean that. She couldn’t reveal every secret nook and cranny of her heart to him. The man would likely run away terrified.

Actually, that might not be a bad idea. At least then she would not have to explain to him why she had been at the gaming hell the other night.

“What’s so amusing?” he asked, his face so close she could rise onto tiptoes and press her lips to his.

“Nothing,” she said, remaining firmly on flat feet despite all temptation.

She glanced around one of the ferns, sensing several pairs of eyes upon her. Most of them involved her family. Cassie grinned eagerly in her direction whilst Aunt Sarah made some sort of gesture that she was fairly certain could be considered lewd. She rolled her eyes.

Wonderful. Now her family had hopes something would occur between her and Blake. Unlikely. He might be curious about her activities but once she’d told him all, he’d be off to find his next conquest.

Rakes like Blake did not pursue wallflowers like her.

He twisted to follow her gaze. “I take it your family does not know what you have been doing.”

“No, and I should like to keep it that way. They are protective of me.”

“As they should be. Or have you forgotten you were attacked and in need of saving that night?”

His eyes were so blue. She often pondered about his coloring—the dark hair with the blue eyes. It was as though God had decided to add a little extra perfection, just to taunt all the women in the world.

“My lady?” he prompted.


She forced her attention to his neatly tied neckcloth and the tiny amethyst pin pushed through it. Even that had her entranced. She imagined pulling it loose and brushing the warmth of his neck, maybe even pressing a kiss there and feeling his throat bob in response. Lordy, what a fool she was making of herself.

Lifting her chin, she inhaled a silent breath and forced herself to meet his gaze calmly, much like she would look at an opponent. After all, he was practically threatening to reveal all should she not explain her behavior. Hecouldbe considered the enemy.

“I wasn’t in need of saving. Not really.”

“I beg to differ.”

“I had my knife,” she protested.

“Which you used upon me.” He gestured to the scratch on his cheek.

She winced. “Yes. I am so sorry about that. I didn’t mean to wound you. Does it hurt?”

“A mere scratch, Demeter. Hardly painful.”

They were technically acquainted enough for him to use her name but it still jarred her, making her stomach do a little twirl. “Still, it looks as though it hurt.”