“He inflicted untold pain upon you for many years. No wonder you felt that way. No wonder it still hurts even today.” He reached over and touched a finger to her cheek to draw her attention to him. “Anyone who is told something repeatedly cannot help but end up believing it.”

“I have tried hard to banish his words.”

He let his lips tilt. It explained so much about the woman who stood before him—why she was so determined to maintain independence and fight for those at a disadvantage. He imagined even if Eleanor wasn’t her sister, she’d still want to correct the situation. He’d never admired a woman so much.

“What happened to you made you the woman you are today,” he reminded her. “And that woman is quite...” He searched for the word, knowing what he wanted to say would give away far too much about how he felt about her. He gave up. “Spectacular,” he finished.

Her mouth rounded. She had to see it. He felt as though he had opened his chest and revealed everything to her. This was so dangerous, and he should be running yet he found himself lifting her chin with a finger and fixing her with his gaze.

“He was a fool and I hate that he ever did such a thing to you. You deserved better. But no one can deny you are a spectacular woman, in so many ways.”

He heard her draw in a shuddery breath. “I have never been called that before.”

“I can call you other things if you prefer. How about stubborn and foolhardy?”

“No, I like spectacular.”

And he liked her. Too much. He could not fathom how he was ever going to return to his old life now she had torn into his existence and turned it upside down.

“I cannot believe I told you all this.” She shook her head. “I barely even talk to my sisters about it.”

“Well, I’m not sorry you told me.”

Chastity smiled—a smile so bright and charming he wanted to drop to her feet and beg her to never leave him.

Oh yes, he was in an incredible amount of trouble and he had little idea what to do about it.