“Neither did I.” He dropped a soft kiss upon her lips and bundled her close, drawing her gently into the cradle of his arms. “We shall wed with haste. I’ve been apart from you for too long already.”

“I cannot remember when we were last apart actually. I did see you yesterday,” she reminded him.

“Already arguing with me,” he muttered.

“Of course.”

“Perhaps you can save your arguments until you have seen a doctor and are rested.” He nodded toward Tom’s limp form. “And he has been handed over to the sheriff.”

“With any luck, the gossip shall cease about Eleanor, and Julian will have justice.”

“I imagine they will be gossiping about us instead,” he said dryly. “What a strange love match—the duke’s daughter and the recluse.”

“I do not think it strange at all, but, Valentine, how will you cope with the gossip?”

He grinned and kissed her firmly before drawing back to look at the woman he could not wait to make his wife. “With you at my side of course.”