“Why are you always dirty?” he muttered as she came around him to untie the bonds digging into his wrists.
“Really? You wish to scold me now of all times?”
“Let’s make haste. He’ll be back in a moment.”
“We need to take him to the authorities.”
“First, I need to get you out of here.” He shook loose the ropes and clambered to his feet. His cheek throbbed. When he put a hand to his lip, it came away sticky.
Cassie hesitated. “He needs to pay for what he did to you. Come on, let’s go after him.”
She cried out when an arm latched around her waist. Luke rushed forward but Jameson thrust out the knife then pressed it against Cassie’s neck. “Come closer and I’ll slice her.”
He froze, his blood running cold. “You touch her and I’ll kill you,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Luke...” Eyes wide, a tremor shook her shoulders.
He met her gaze and hoped she understood his message. No one would harm her, not while he had breath in his body. He just had to figure out how to get the knife away from her neck.
Jameson glanced sideways. Luke’s stomach dropped. His companions returned. The taller one stepped into the room and tapped a length of wood against the floor. The redheaded man lifted his fists. These two were becoming a real nuisance.
Luke’s breaths came hard and heavy and he tensed his muscles as Jameson backed away, the knife precariously close to breaking Cassie’s skin.
Luke smirked at the men. “Get on with it.”
The taller man dove forward, wooden baton raised high. He swung it down and Luke blocked it with a raised arm. Pain seared through him and he was fairly sure he heard the bone snap, but it bought him enough time to swing up with his fist and connect with the man’s jaw.
Lowell staggered backward. Luke tightened his jaw and remembered him pushing Cassie.
He followed up with a knee to the groin then a swift kick to his head as he folded. The redhead barreled in, striking low in Luke’s back with a fist. He yowled as agony rocketed through him and he twisted, using his broken arm to shield himself from another hit.
Teeth gritted, he surged forward, slamming the man against the wall. A sickening thud echoed through the room as his head struck brick and the man’s eyes rolled upward. He ploughed a fist into his gut, making him sag.
Luke stepped back, panting. He clasped his agonizing arm in one hand and eyed the damage. Neither man would be moving anytime soon, giving him a chance to go after Cassie.
“What happened?”
He turned to spy Aunt Sarah, a pistol in hand, followed by Demeter and Eleanor and one of the men he’d hired to watch the house. “Aunt Sarah?”
“Looks like you got the better of them.” She grinned. “I always knew you were a good man.”
“Have you seen Cassie?”
“No, why?” Demeter’s face paled. “Where is she?”
“Damn it.” He motioned to the women. “Stay here. Keep that pistol on them.” Then he gestured to the man. “Do not let anything happen to them.”
He nodded and Luke hastened out of the building. He caught up with Jameson on the busy thoroughfare that wound past the mill and several other buildings, slowing his progress. The knife was no longer against Cassie’s neck, but jabbed subtly into her side.
Luke barged through the crowds, ignoring the shouted annoyances and several threats. The man hauled Cassie onto a quieter side street. If they went any further, he’d be able to get her into a vehicle then Lord knew what would happen.
Cassie could end up killed. He simply could not let that happen.
“Jameson,” he called when he got near.
Jameson spun and flashed the knife at him. Cassie remained stiff in the hold of his arm slung around her shoulders. Her eyes widened when she spied Luke and he could only image what a sight he was. But then her expression hardened.