“So this Harding knows nothing then?”
“He has his suspicions, but he’s a fool. I doubt he shall discover anything.”
Luke stole another quick glance. The man with the hat continued to speak.
“I followed him for several days. He inquired at the solicitors about the will, but he has not pursued the matter.”
“That damned will has caused too many problems. You got too greedy, Jameson. It’s drawn attention to us.”
Jameson huffed. “We need that house.”
“We have other places we can use,” the other man replied.
“So close to the river?” Footsteps echoed back and forth across the stone floor. “Parsons owed us.”
“He paid us back,” the third voice pointed out. “With interest.”
“Not enough interest. Not after how much I loaned him.”
“I don’t know, Jameson, getting involved with the toffs. We should have continued as we were. Now we’ve got the attention of that duchess bitch.”
Luke’s gut bunched at the mention of Cassie.
“Don’t you know how it works?” said one of the men. “She ain’t a duchess. She’s just a duke’s daughter.”
“Oh,just,” the other scoffed. “Doesn’t matter what she is. She’s a pain in the rear, and if she don’t stop poking her nose in, she’ll discover us.”
“I frightened her good,” replied Jameson. “She’s not left the house since I hurt that maid.”
“You said that the first time and yet she was still seen at the old place.”
Luke’s blood ran cold. Whether the attack at the building was a robbery or not, someone had been watching them. God damn, he should have been more careful, should have put a stop to this rather than being weak and indulging Cassie.
“I’ll handle her,” Jameson said. “Have I ever let anyone interfere with business and get away with it?”
There was a murmur of ‘no’ from the two other men.
“Exactly. So keep your gobs shut and cease your complaining. You’re beginning to sound like my late wife.”
“Your wife was tougher than you.” The men chuckled. “She’d have had that bitch dead long ago.”
Jameson laughed. “Get back to work, Lowell. We have a lot to do. As for this Fallon girl—I’ll sort it. She can’t stay holed up in that grand house forever. Pampered ladies like that are always attending balls. She’ll leave eventually.”
There was a grunt and some shuffling. Luke eased along the wall and ducked swiftly behind a crate. The two men emerged from the room. One was tall and lanky, his clothing tired and plain. His fingers were red-tinged just like Jameson’s. The second man had bright red hair and was slightly shorter and younger. He looked slightly smarter than his friend, but the tailoring did not fit his small frame. Luke suspected the clothing was stolen. He waited until they moved past him and through a door to the rear of the building.
This Jameson wasn’t going to go anywhere near Cassie ever again. Luke would make sure of that. He waited a few moments then ducked out from behind the crates. He moved swiftly, spying the man with his knuckles propped on the desk and his back to Luke.
Luke grabbed the scruff of his neck, twisted him and slammed him up against the wall. “You will not touch her again,” he bit out.
Jameson offered a yellowed, gappy grin and glanced behind Luke. “I don’t think you’ll be able to stop me.”
Luke grimaced when he heard the cough behind him.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Cassie craned her neck to eye the tall brick building. “He could be anywhere.”
Eleanor squeezed her hand. “We’ll find him.”