Her sister paced the room several times, winding her hands together.
“It has been several days, and nothing has happened, Chastity. You can relax.”
She cocked her head. “I’d never forgive myself if something happened to any of you.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I’m the oldest.”
“And I’m the youngest, I know.”
“Cassie, that is not what I was saying at all.” Chastity walked over and put a hand to Cassie’s shoulder. “We all know you are clever and capable. I just love you so much, Little Sister. I cannot help but want to shield you from the world.” Chastity dropped a kiss to the top of her head and Cassie’s stomach dropped.
Chastity would hate her following this investigation. And she would especially loathe what she was doing with Luke, whether she thought a little better of him or not.
USHERED IN BY an efficient-looking chap with a slightly hooked nose and simple but smart clothing, Luke found himself in a generous office at the rear of the building. He’d never needed the services of a private investigator before, but Cunningham had recommended them and they had a woman working for them, even though it was not advertised on the door.
The private investigator, Mr. Archer, rose from his chair and shook his head. “Viscount Whitehurst, thank you for making time to see us today.”
“Of course.” Luke removed his hat and gloves and handed them to the other man who ducked silently out of the room. Luke scarcely noticed the door closing.
Mr. Archer smiled. “Hampton used to be a butler. He is excellent at slipping around unseen.”
“A useful skill in an investigator no doubt.”
The investigator nodded. “Most useful, and his age does not harm matters either. No one notices an older gentleman.” He gestured to the chair opposite. “Please.”
Luke unbuttoned his jacket and sat in the stiff chair. The scent of leather suffused the room, though whether it was from the chairs, the books or the generous sofa opposite, he did not know. He could not claim to have honed his observational skills like Cassie had but it appeared Mr. Archer was not lacking in business given the shiny elegance of the room.
“I’m assuming that’s the same reason you requested Mrs. Lyle take your case.” Mr. Archer laced his finger together atop the mahogany desk. “Though, I will confess she is not usually used for trailing people. I took on a woman for some of the softer, more delicate cases. Society ladies sometimes prefer a feminine touch.”
“She is capable, though?”
A smirk crossed the man’s lips briefly. “Oh, indeed. Better than some of my men but you will never hear me telling her that. Women in such positions will go to great lengths to prove themselves that they work ten times harder than the men.” He chuckled. “One day, I wager, we will see many, many more women in such positions.”
Given his dealings with Cassie’s determination, it did not take much of a stretch of imagination to picture such things. He only hoped Mrs. Lyle found something quickly so he could hand over whoever was behind this to the authorities and then it would be over.
He and Cassie would be over too.
Luke ignored the anguished thud his heart gave at the thought of never touching her again.
“You wished to give me an update? Is Mr. Harding involved in something nefarious?”
Mr. Archer unlaced his fingers and leaned back in the chair. “Mr. Harding spends his days similarly to any other man of his station. He deals with business, enjoys a leisurely lunch at White’s, spends most of his evening there, and occasionally frequents a brothel on Mill Lane.”
“Anything of note there?”
The investigator shrugged. “Nothing at all. However, I must ask this, Lord Whitehurst. Did you put another man on the case? I will not be offended but I cannot say the same for Mrs. Lyle. She suspects you of doubting her skills.”
Luke scowled. “Another man?”
“She noted a scruffy-looking chap also following Mr. Harding.”
He shook his head. “You can put Mrs. Lyle’s mind at ease. I have every faith in her skills.”
“It seems someone else wishes to see what Mr. Harding is up to then.”