She gasped. Whether in shock that he would stoop to such a thing or because of the memory of what had occurred mere minutes ago, he could not be certain. Lord knew, the images of having his fingers buried deep in her lingered and likely would not vanish for some time. If ever.

“I thought you were on my side.”

He shoved a hand through his hair. “Of course I’m on your side, Cass. Why do you think I have been trekking around London with you and getting damn near strangled to death? I was hardly doing it for my own purposes was I? But this is too much now.”

“I still think that had nothing to do with this case.”

“Why do you have to be so determined? Why do you think you are some sort of private investigator? You are a duke’s daughter and it’s about time you remembered that.”

Her eyes widened and he half expected a slap from the fingers that flexed at her side. He would not blame her.

“I would not expect you to understand,” she finally whispered.

“Then make me understand.”

“You are a man—able to do whatever you wish. You will always be believed. Women are not. We are crazy or silly or simple or ruled by our wombs. When men will not step up to help us, we must help ourselves.”

Pink splotches appeared high on her cheeks. He could not argue with that. He had sisters and already saw how the world treated them differently to his brother. But that did not mean he could let her dash into danger simply because she needed to prove something.

“Let me by, Luke,” she said through clenched teeth as she tried to push past him.

He gripped her shoulders and she struggled against his hold. “We won’t do nothing.”

She stilled and looked up at him. “We will not?”

“We can hire someone to follow Mr. Harding. There’s no need for you to do it yourself.”

“A man?”

“I can even hire a woman if you’d prefer. There are a few private investigators who take on women.”


He curved his hands around her chin and lifted her face as he closed the gap between them. “I’m not letting anything happen to you, Cass. Take my offer. Because I am not letting you out of my sight until the danger is passed.”

Her lips parted marginally. He braced himself for the next round of arguments. Her gaze dropped down then finally back up to his and he felt her body shift.

“It must be a woman. They are naturally less suspicious anyway.”


There was a reason these private investigators had started to hire women. They could go unnoticed and even use their womanly wiles to do things men could not.

He did not think Cassie was wrong in wishing to find the answer to whatever they had tangled themselves up in—it was the only way to guarantee Cassie’s safety but he sure as hell wasn’t willing to let her put herself at risk. And he could not leave her side. She’d either do something reckless in a bid to protect her sisters or she’d wind up hurt and he’d never be able to forgive himself.

Despite himself, he dropped a kiss to her lips. Now was not the time but it seemed his body thought otherwise. As did hers. She wound her arms up around his neck and pulled him close. He kissed her deeply, taking the welcome warmth of her mouth and winding his arms about her waist to draw her as close as humanly possible.

He had no doubt about it now. He was a fool for this woman.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Cassie watched Luke tug on his gloves and put his hat on with some trepidation. She eased out a shuddery breath and willed her stomach to stop swirling. The desire to rush to him and beg him to be cautious made her legs twitch but somehow she kept her feet rooted. Having him under the same roof as her was becoming impossible. What had started as a rush of sensations was becoming something more, something rooted deep into the core of her.

And she had little idea what to do with that.

“I’ll meet with the investigator and return promptly,” he assured her.

She nodded, not quite trusting her voice to stay normal if she replied.