Cassie urged him away from the door of the servants’ quarters. “I need to find one of the drivers. We must send for the doctor.”

Demeter dashed up the narrow stairway as Cassie and Luke hastened their way down. She stilled, her gaze swinging between them. “Doctor? I heard a scream, Cassie. What’s happened?”

“One of the servants—Betty—she was attacked,” she explained breathlessly. “I need to send for the doctor.” She waved a hand and continued downstairs, aware of Luke on her heels.

Her heart thudded hard, her fingers were hot on the bannister. First the rock through the window, now this. She hadn’t even done anything since the rock incident and still they were being attacked. She hastened through the house.

“Cassie?” Luke called after her.

She gestured vaguely. “Let me find Mr. Barrett. He’s the fastest rider.”

She shoved out through the doors, skirted a pile of hay and made her way toward the stables. Mr. Barrett was brushing down one of the horses when she caught up with him in the shadowy building, explained very briefly what had occurred, and the slender man nodded. “Lucky we have Jester saddled.” He touched the brim of his cap. “My lady, my lord, I will move with all haste.” He grimaced. “Is it very bad?”

“I’m not certain. Mrs. Lamb would scarcely let me near her.”

Mr. Barrett nodded again and strode off to fetch Jester. Wrapping her arms about herself, Cassie eased out a long breath, feeling as though her legs might give way at any moment. Luke came up behind her, set his hands on her upper arms and drew her into the comforting warmth of his chest. She leaned back into it.

“What happened to Betty?”

“Someone attacked her, struck her on the head apparently, though I heard one of the girls say it had been worse than that.” Cassie twisted in his hold. “She took a beating regardless.” Her chin quivered.

The housekeeper kept telling her it was not a sight for young ladies, but she’d seen enough blood to know the attack must have been severe. “Luke, they might have killed her!”

He hissed out a curse. “I should not have allowed this.”

“What could you do? You cannot stop everyone from leaving this house or it will grind to a halt. Besides, it seems as though she was attacked before she even entered the grounds. She staggered here and was discovered by one of the runners you hired.”

He shook his head, his brow creased with deep furrows. “Damn it.”

She bit down on her bottom lip. “There’s more...”


“Betty looks a little like me.”

“Looks like you?” he repeated.

“It’s always been a bit of a joke, but we have the same build and hair color.” She plucked a mussed curl and stretched it straight before letting it spring back. “What if they thought they were attacking me and went for her instead?”

“If they did, they cannot be all that bright. There’s a distinct difference between the daughter of a duke and a servant.”

“Regardless, someone was attacked and it’s my fault.”

“It’s the fault of whoever did this.” His jaw ticked and she felt his fingers flex into her arms. “We shall hire more men.”

She shook her head. “And have them follow everyone about all the time? It is not even possible. What if this person means permanent harm, Luke? What if they no longer want to warn us?”

“You haven’t even discovered much. What could possibly be worth killing a duke’s daughter for?”

“I do not know but we have to end this somehow.”

He released his hold on her and shook his head. “Oh no, Cass. No way.”

“Whoever did this nearly hit Eleanor with that stone. He could have killed her. And now he has attacked a servant. It might only be a matter of time before they harm someone else—maybe even my father!”

“They would have to be insane to attack a duke, for Christ’s sake. It would draw far too much attention.”

“I thought that was perhaps why they resorted to simply warning me, but it seems they are past warning.”