“But I can’t sleep,” she insisted, taking his arm. “Will you stay up with me?”
He hesitated. “Are you inviting me into your bedchambers?”
Heat flushed through her insides, but she held firm. “Yes.”
They were just outside her bedroom now. He faced her, those deep brown eyes searching her face. “You are full of unwise notions tonight.”
“And what’s unwise about inviting my bodyguard into my bedroom?” she asked.
“Always ready with an answer.”
“You did promise me, and this is the first time we have been alone since you said you would…help me.”
He shook his head, the smile sliding away from his face. “I can’t, Cassie. I can’t.”
Luke moved to step back, but she grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him into her. Inhaling the scent of him, the area between her legs throbbed with the need to have him.
“I want you to,” she said, placing a hand on his chest. “I trust you.”
He sighed. “Perhaps you should not.”
But she felt the heat building between them. He wanted her, just as she wanted him. Standing on her toes, she pressed her lips against his. They were always so soft and warm yet firm and demanding. His breath caught, then his hands locked around her shoulders, pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss until he broke away.
“Apparently I cannot deny you anything.”
Her hand tucked into his, she led him into her bedroom and closed the door.
Once they were alone together, she felt her face flush. Perhaps this had been a mistake. She had little idea what to do with him now she had him alone.
“Um, what now?” she asked.
Luke approached her like he would a new-born foal. “Before we start, let me describe to you what is involved.”
She nodded eagerly.
He settled her on the edge of her bed, sitting next to her. “First, it’s important to pay attention to how you feel,” he said, his warmth enveloping her as he spoke, leaning into her. “You should feel good, never bad or in pain.”
Her mouth had become dry. “All right.”
“Do you ever… touch yourself?” he asked, his eyes steady on hers.
She frowned.
“Between your legs,” he clarified.
She shook her head, but the very place he described ached.
“Would you like me to touch you there?”
She shifted uncomfortable on the bed, taking stock of her condition between her legs. “It’s currently…” she gestured vaguely with little idea how to describe the sensations down there.
He smiled. “That’s a good thing.” He leaned closer to her, kissing her lightly on the lips.
Her desire for him flared. “Yes, you can touch me,” she said.
In response, he unbuttoned and removed his shirt, revealing a chiseled chest that made her gaze wander hungrily. She pressed a hand against it, drawn to the lines of his muscles. He gently pushed her back until she laid across the bed and he kissed her neck, right in her sensitive areas. She closed her eyes, gasped and relished the thrills that ran through her.
He ran a hand along her leg, to her thigh, where he massaged the skin there. Just his hand on her thigh, combined with the fervent kisses, had her burning from the inside out. Her mind went into a pleasant haze, never wanting this intimate moment to end.