“But...?” Eleanor asked.

“I rather thought this whole thing would be solved much more quickly with a lot less asking questions of people who do not wish to speak to me.” She nodded toward Eleanor. “I have seen all of you solve cases far more quickly.”

“Do not forget you are doing this alone. Well, almost alone. Though you do not need to. We are more than happy to help.”

“No, I must do this by myself.”

Her sister narrowed her gaze at her. “Yet you are willing to accept Luke’s aid?”

Cassie tried to ignore the little skip her heart gave at the mention of his name. “He practically forced his way into this and besides, itissometimes useful to have a man assisting one. I could never have entered Boodle’s now, could I?”

She tried not to let her words grow defensive, but she did not want her sisters thinking she could not do this on her own. She could, but it was just slightly easier with Luke’s help. Not to mention it had kept any more threats at bay. No one had pushed her down or uttered horrible words to her since he started acting as her protector. It seemed he had frightened away whoever it was.

“I am not questioning your judgement, Cassie, but be careful with that man. He is quite the rake.”

Cassie cocked her head. “Why does everyone keep telling me that? I am fully aware of the fact.”

And how shocked her sister would be to find out she intended to take advantage of the fact. But Eleanor would never understand. Her sisters were even less interested in men than she was.

Eleanor rose and placed a hand on Cassie’s shoulder. “Because we care for you and you are keeping things quite close since starting this investigation. We used to talk much more.”

Cassie placed her hands over Eleanor’s and patted it. “I know. I’m just busy that is all. But please do not fear for me. I have enlisted his help so none of you need worry for my safety, so you see, I am trying to be sensible.”


The window exploded. Glass shattered and Eleanor cried out. Cassie lifted her hands instinctively as glass speared through the air.

She dropped her hands and gaped at the hole in the window. She leaped from the chair. “Eleanor?”

“Oh Lord, your head.”

Cassie pressed fingers to where she felt something trickle down her face and her fingers came away sticky with blood. “Oh pooh.”

Eleanor fished out a handkerchief and pressed it to Cassie’s head.

“Are you hurt?” Cassie asked.

Her sister shook her head. “I think it all missed me.”

Cassie glanced at the broken glass. “Only just.” Her eyes widened at the sight of a sizable rock resting upon the rug. “And that could have hit you.”

“Do not worry about me. I am perfectly well. But we must get you tended to.” She rose onto tiptoes to peer out of the window. “I cannot see where it came from.”

Cassie took the handkerchief from her sister and pressed it firmly to the throbbing sting. She eyed the rock again. “Is that a note?”

Eleanor crouched and plucked the stone carefully from amongst the broken class. She untied the string and peeled away the note. Her eyes widened.

“What is it?”

“Stop or you are dead.This will be aimed at your head.” Eleanor wrinkled her nose and turned the note toward her. “Terrible rhyme.”

“Terrible rhyme or not, Ellie, I think I might actually be a little scared.”

Eleanor nodded and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Me too, Cass. Me too.”


LUKE SWORE HIS heart only started once he spotted Cassie on the sofa. Seated between Demeter and Chastity, her complexion was about as ashen as he feared his own was.