“Hard to say.” He frowned. “Maybe an hour. The traffic is busy in the afternoon.”
“It would have been quieter in the evening to be sure but not that quiet. Theodore’s body was discovered at half-past-ten.”
“Maybe he made quick time.”
“It would have to be quick indeed, especially by carriage—which was never found by the way.”
Luke stilled. “It couldn’t have been his body.”
“I think it very unlikely. I have several friends in that part of London and I do not think I have ever travelled from there in less than forty minutes, let alone walked to one of the clubs.”
“And then been attacked, killed, burnedanddiscovered,” he added.
“It would have to have been swift indeed.” She rose from the chair. “Do you not see, Luke? Jane was right. The body is most certainly not him and he must still be alive.”
“I do see. But it does not mean he is necessarily alive.”
“Why else pretend he is dead? If someone wanted him dead, why not just kill him? London is rife with criminals. It would not have been hard to do exactly what they did to that body.”
He shook his head. “I do not know but it is strange.” He smiled slowly.
“What is it?”
“You are quite unlike anyone else, Cass. Only you would take the words of a grieving woman and believe them.”
“Well, my sisters believed her too.”
“Jane is lucky to have such a loyal and courageous friend.”
She grinned. “Now you are just trying to flatter me.”
“Perhaps.” He moved closer, closing the gap between them. He couldn’t take it anymore. Couldn’t watch her eyes shining with excitement, the way her breaths quickened, without touching her. “You know…now that we are alone...”
“Yes?” she breathed. She titled her head and eyed him.
“We could discuss the other matter.”
“You mean the matter of…” She glanced downward.
“Unless, of course, you have changed your mind.”
She shook her head vigorously. “Certainly not.”
“Good.” He swept a hand around her waist and drew her firm into him. She released a little gasp and he groaned inwardly at the feel of her slender body so close to his. He used his other hand to tilt her chin and he let his mouth linger on hers. Her warm breath danced on his lips. She moaned softly.
A thud at the door made him jolt back. He watched it for a moment, his heart beating a racket against his ribcage. No one entered. No one discovered them.
“This is a dangerous game, Cassie. I do not think you realize what you are risking.”
“I have not changed my mind.” She stood straight as though rooted in position.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know. Neither have I.” He glanced at the door again. “But not here, Cass. Not tonight.”
Chapter Twenty