He stilled as they moved behind a cluster of trees that offered a welcome break from the warmth of the sun. Her flimsy parasol did little to conquer it, so she’d given up on it hours ago.

“Cassie, when I said there were other things I wished to discuss, I meant…” He cleared his throat and his shoulders straightened “I meant what you said the other day…” He leaned in. “About…you know.” He glanced downwards.

Oh pooh. He’d not forgotten nor did he seem to have changed his mind. And now she would have to relive the humiliation all over again while he scolded her like a big brother. How miserable.


HE’D MEANT TO avoid the whole matter. Fling it from his mind and never broach it again. Pretend Cassie had never spoken on such matters.

Until Luke had spied her with Bainbridge. He wasn’t the first man to be interested in Cassie and he would not be the last, but Luke knew the man had contention for the rules of society. If Cassie decided to approach another man aboutdown there, Bainbridge would happily oblige and most eagerly partake in her ruination. After all, it would garner him a beautiful and wealthy wife of high standing.

His jaw hurt from clenching it. Bainbridge would have to go through him first.

“I-I had rather thought your silence meant you did not wish to discuss it.”

Oh how much easier that might have been. Help her with this investigation then send her on her way, entirely untouched, thus keeping his promise to Anton. But if he let Bainbridge take a shot at her, Anton would string him up anyway.

“I am not taking your innocence, Cass.”

“Then what...?” Furrows appeared between her brows. “You do not wish to help me with my exploration?”

He closed his eyes briefly and held back a groan. She seemed to think her words innocent and somewhat perfunctory, but she could not be more wrong. The thought of exploring her made his cock begin to harden. He did not think her ignorant to her attractiveness—she always dressed to flatter her slender figure in the colors that suited her best—but she clearly did not know what she could do to a man.

“You tempt me,” he said gruffly.

“I do not understand.”

“I want to help you.”

“You do?” The eagerness in her gaze made him want to press her up against the tree, here and now, promises to her brother be damned.

“But I will not ruin you.”

“I do not even want to marry that duke!” She huffed out a breath. “I am not certain I wish to marry any man.”

“That might change, and I am most certainly not ruining your future.”

“I do not think I am asking much. You bed women every day.”

He let loose a dry chuckle. “Hardly. And even if I did, bedding you is entirely different.”

“I am a grown woman of sound mind.” She folded her arms, drawing his attention to the pale rise of her breasts. “I do not see how I am different.”

Of course she did not. She had no idea what she did to him. No clue that he hadn’t been interested in bedding anyone since she’d captured his attention. That every moment spent with her was like dragging nails down his very soul. She made him itch from the inside out for things he had no right desiring.

“There are other ways.” He moved closer and dropped his voice, grateful for the natural shield of the trees. Any man with eyes in his head would see his patent desire for her.

“Whatever do you mean?”

“You want to explore those feelings?”

She nodded so eagerly he feared his cock might explode.

“There are other ways of exploring those feelings without taking your innocence,” he explained.

“How so?”

He inhaled deeply. How the hell had he found himself in this situation? “I can touch you,” he said, “in ways that you would find pleasurable.”