All she ever wanted—since she’d known of its existence—was to be part of her mother’s investigative society. She could not let it be taken from her now.

“No,” Eleanor insisted. “Not at all. But she wishes—well we all do—that you would come to us for aid.” Her sister gestured between them. “We usually tell one another everything and yet I have scarcely seen you since this whole thing started, and, Cassie, there is a reason we do this as a group of women. No one would ever suspect a woman of investigating such matters. However, we have limitations upon our sex and we must work together.”

Cassie let out a light laugh. “Eleanor, you adore working alone. There is seldom a time when you are not tucked away somewhere, working on your latest project.”

“That is entirely different, and you know it.” Her sister shook her head. “My point is, you have nothing to prove. We love you and you need not put yourself in danger. If this cannot be done, then you must stop. Jane will understand.”

Inwardly, Cassie grimaced. Jane would not hold such a thing against her but how could she give up now? Jane had no one else who believed her and now would be sent off to marry Mr. Fawcett. Someone had to do something.

And, frankly, even if Eleanor did not see her as such, Demeter and Chastity had to cease seeing her as their little sister who needed protection. The only way for Cassie to do such a thing was to find out what had happened to Jane’s brother—without their aid.

Cassie fixed a bright smile. “I am certain I can discover what happened, Eleanor—and without putting myself in any danger. I promise.”

“Good. Because I would never forgive myself if you came to harm.” Eleanor leaned in and pressed her head to Cassie’s. “I love you, Cass.”

A pang of guilt speared through her. “I love you too, Ellie.”


LUKE SWIRLED THE amber liquid around the glass, watched it coat the inside of it for a moment then threw it back and luxuriated in the slow burn. Alas, when it hit his stomach, it did not do what he hoped and wash away the tight sensation that had lingered there ever since Cassie propositioned him.

He could never take her innocence. Never.

After all, she was bloody Anton’s sister.

He was having a damned hard time seeing her as that at present, especially when she came in to his study and so boldly declared he made her feel thingsdown there.

He smirked. Dear God, there were experienced women in the world who would have less of an impact with much more explicit language. Trust him to find that announcement about the most erotic thing he’d ever heard.

Thank the Lord for the interruption of the butler or else he might well have lifted her back onto his desk and ensured she had many, many more feelingsdown there.

“Haven’t seen you in a while, Whitehurst.”

Luke glanced up to see Briggs—a fellow Oxford student and heir to a sizeable fortune from his uncle. Though from relatively new money, the fortune was so vast that most turned a blind eye to his lack of a title somewhere in the family.

The man’s thick, sandy hair, chiseled jaw and amiable manners did not hurt much either. Last he’d heard, Lord Whittaker had been eyeing the man up as his future son-in-law, though he had no doubt the Season had brought plenty more potential opportunities. However, if thetonconsidered Luke a rake, Briggs was most certainly so.

“You know how it is during the Season.”

Briggs pulled back the chair and motioned about the club. “Not to mention, many of our numbers have fallen already.”

The dimly lit room could hold as many as fifty men at the various tables but today only hosted a handful. It was only mid-afternoon, however. No doubt many of the men were using the busy time of year to court themselves a lovely debutante with a fine dowry.

Briggs flashed a smile. “Glad to see you are still here, though. I was getting worried for a while.”

Luke shook his head and poured another whisky from the decanter in the center of the table in front of him. “You need not fear for me, Briggs. I have no intentions of spending my time courting.”

He set his glass on the table and leaned back. “It will not be long. First Daniels then Loxlea. We’re all falling year upon year.”

Luke ignored the mention of Anton. He did not need to think on his closest friend when his little sister was also crowding his mind for attention. “Well, you shall be pleased to know I have no prospects.”

His friend chuckled. “How do you do it? Keep all those mamas and eager debutantes away, I mean? I cannot go anywhere without them clawing at my shirt sleeves.”

Lifting his gaze to the ceiling, he took a slow sip of his drink. Luke knew why he avoided marriage. He’d almost fallen into the trap as a young man and would have found himself tangled in a web of deceit had it not been for Anton.

He’d been so easily led by a pair of beguiling eyes and erotic words which, when combined with the copious amounts of alcohol he’d enjoyed, had almost led to his downfall. He would fall into line one day but not yet—not until he rid himself of his ridiculous desire to Cassie he reckoned. It wouldn’t be bloody fair on a wife, for one.

For two, he could not imagine having any woman in his life other than her...