Luke rubbed a hand over his face, tucked the metal rod under one arm and retrieved his hat. At least he did not have to add murder to his list of crimes this week. He brushed off the grime from his hat then headed back to the locked door.


“I’m coming, I’m coming.” He pressed the rod into the gap of the door and used it to pry open the door. It inched open then gave way abruptly. He dropped the metal as Cassie tumbled into his arms.

“What took you so long?” she demanded and straightened, forcing him to release her.

He gestured to the man still slumbering in the room at the end of the corridor. “Someone wanted to have a fight.”



“I told you this was too dangerous.”

“Well, what did he say?”

He eyed her for a few moments. “Say? Cassie, the man tried to strangle me.”

She peered at his neck. “It was likely just a robbery.”

He tugged off his hat and pressed a hand to the back of his head. His fingers were sticky and he spied the stain of blood on his fingertips even in the gloom. Apparently he’d struck his head quite hard when the man had slammed him against the wall.

“Oh yes,” he muttered. “Justa robbery.”

Chapter Fifteen

As Cassie ushered Luke back to the carriage, guilt wound its way inside her. Though he tried to act tough, welts were forming on his throat and she saw him wince when he clambered into her father’s vehicle.

She took his hat from his hands and urged him to lean forward. “Let me take a look.”

Blood clung to the dark strands of his hair, but she could not tell where the cut was. Even after dabbing it with a handkerchief, blood continued to well.

She pressed the fabric to the wound and lifted his hand. “Hold it there.”

“Head wounds bleed like the devil but I’ll be perfectly fine.”

The carriage jerked forward, and she pressed a hand to his chest then swiftly removed it. She did not need to be reminded of how firm his body was.

“That is why we are going to my father’s house. It is closer and I can care for you there.”

He offered a lopsided smile. “And here I thought it was just a robbery.”

“Well, yes, it likely was, but he was a brute of a man. However did you get the better of him?”

“Turns out long metal rods are quite useful, though I feel like I should take to carrying around a gun.”

She shook her head vigorously. She loathed pistols. The things fired most erratically and had even been known to blow off the hands of whoever held it. Cassie wished neither her father nor Anton owned one. As far as she could tell, they were more dangerous to the owner than anyone else.

“Did the man say anything?”

“Wanted money and my pocket watch.” His jaw flexed. “And you.”

“Goodness.” She offered a quick smile. “Well, at least we know it was most certainly a robbery.”

“Or someone following you again and pretending it was a robbery.”

“The last man was explicit in his threats. Why try to pretend anything now?”