Why Cassie could not claim it was most certainly sympathetic was because Eleanor was far more likely to offer her some no-nonsense advice or do something practical for her rather than offer her a shoulder to cry on. How they had always been so close, she did not know, but there was something about their vastly different personalities that worked.

Notthat Cassie had any intention of crying on shoulders. She’d shed her tears for the future Anton wanted for her and the lack of progress in finding out what happened to Jane’s brother.

Oh yes, she’d shed her tears and then propositioned Luke.

And he’d said, well, nothing.

What she should do next, she was not certain, but she did not regret her request. Kissing Luke made her feel like never before, and whatever the future held for her—whether she persuaded Anton out of this fool notion should he arrange a marriage for her or not—she wanted to explore this more.

She wished to truly understand what it was to be a woman.

Cassie glanced at Eleanor to find her gaze still upon her. It was unfortunate she could not ask Eleanor for advice on the matter but with their mothers long dead, neither of them could claim much knowledge of womanhood and all it entailed.

Demeter would be in ignorance too and the thought of asking Chastity about such delicious sensations made her shudder. Their oldest sister would likely hang Luke up by his entrails if she found out he had kissed her. As much as she appreciated her sister’s care of her, she scarcely wanted one protective sibling let alone two plus Luke imagining he knew what was best for her.

“What is it?” she finally asked.

Eleanor opened her mouth then shut it again. She lifted a finger, frowned, then lowered her hand. “I heard...that is...you know you may confide in me, do you not?”

“Of course!”

“It is just this whole engagement business. Since we found out about it, you have not mentioned it once.”

“Because it will not happen, Eleanor,” she said with more confidence than she felt. “Anton shall return home and I shall put paid to any such thoughts.”

Eleanor rubbed the end of her nose. “I certainly hope so. I imagine he does not see arranging for a match for me as part of his remit but what if he tries to marry off Demeter too?”

“He sees you as his sister as much as the rest of us do.”

She tilted her head. “He knows it is harder to marry me off, no doubt.”

“You are entirely eligible as a duke’s daughter but I did not think you had any interest in matrimony.”

“Oh certainly not,” her sister agreed. “It seems a miserable notion, handing over one’s destiny to a man. And we all saw how woeful Chastity’s match was.”

Cassie grimaced. “And that was meant to be a love match.”

Eleanor nodded. “He shall never force Chastity into anything—I doubt he could—but surely you are concerned he might press for this match?”

“I am not without my worries,” she admitted. “But I am confident I can talk him out of such foolish notions.”

Her sister smiled. “You always were far more persuasive than I.” She gestured to a large cog. “Pass me that one, will you?”

Cassie obligingly handed her sister parts as she slotted them back into place.

Eleanor sighed heavily again. Cassie rolled her eyes and turned to her once more. “Eleanor?”

“Oh nothing.”

“Eleanor?” she pressed. “I know you did not ask for my help because I have delicate hands like you said. We both know I am not careful enough for such things.”

“I was just wondering why it was you did not think to come to me. Or us.”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Well, the viscount ended up injured and Chastity was quite frustrated by the whole matter. She declared you had been keeping things from us.”

“She wants me out of the group?” Cassie’s heart gave a little skip.